COMPLETE: Halloween Advent - SU 6/11-6/24 SO 8/27

I received! I can’t wait to get started. It looks like it is going to be a great swap.


I did something stupid :frowning_face: i broke something while packing. Thankfully it’s only lunchtime and I’m off today so I have time to craft.

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Oh no!! I also have strong glue if something needs set time. :wink: I hope all goes well today.


Boo! I hope you were able to fix it! One must appease The Crafting Gods!

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We are having some weather today and I can’t get out to send. It’s not as bad as the rest of the state but I should probably stay home. I will send tomorrow.


Thank you for letting us know. Be safe!

Shipped! Mine is off to sweet @Edel! I wish ye brown box zero rains, shimmy shakes, and drop kicks. But 100% arrival! Muwah!

Mine will be sent tomorrow as well. But it’s already nearly tomorrow in this part of the world. A lot of stuff suddenly came up and I needed to make a phone call and then it was 16.58 and the post office 10 minutes away closes at 17.

I somehow snagged some fabric while packing up and when I wanted to fix it that whole piece of fabric frayed. So I took it out and replaced it. I was raised with having at least one mistake in every item you make, so I figured the Crafting Gods were appeased enough this swap with my amount of mistakes, but apparantly not?

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my thing arrived and everything is all packed up and ready to be sent in the morn! yippee!


Oh no! I hope that it did not cause you too much stress in the eleventh hour. The universe can be a beast sometimes, for sure. lol


Making the thing the first time was worse because the fabric was really fraying a lot! I picked a better fabric the second time around. It’s on its way to you now, will send you the shipping info after dinner :slightly_smiling_face

The post office is very optimistic and says it should be there in 4-9 weekdays. That would mean they are working faster now than before the pandemic… Hard to believe but who knows.



I can’t wait to see what everyone made. So exciting!!!


I sent today! I can’t wait to get started!


And with that, everyone HAS SHIPPED!!! WOOT!!

Now the waiting begins…


This swap was quite a challenge for me, I tried new crafts and a new way of working and I picked a theme that I maybe wouldn’t have chosen normally. But I learned a lot and I already know I’m going to do one craft again.

The new way of working is making what comes up in my head instead of overthinking and only making things that are absolutely perfect. I was always taught my work needed to be both technically perfect and useful - both through my family and my needlework teacher in school who managed to give me the lowest pass grade every year, even though I was the only kid in class who enjoyed needlework. I’ve been trying to get rid of these thoughts for a long time, but for swaps I’ve still mostly concentrated on the crafts I’m really good at, embroidery and sewing. It’s always a bit scary to try something new because I know it’s not going to be totally perfect, but it is a good challenge. I can probably sew a perfect zipper pouch with my eyes closed, but where’s the fun in that after a while?

Fun fact: my parents raised 3 kids in this very non-creative environment. One went to art school (for a degree that’s not hands-on, but still) one is a self taught semi-professional artist and then there’s me. Kids are going to become who they are regardless of their parents’ wishes.

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I’m really proud of you for pushing out of your comfort zone. If not for swapping, I never would have paper mache’d again, or learned I made assemblage (there’s a name for being a scavenger?), or sucked it up and tried art journaling. Oh! And 2D or 3D needle felting! And I hadn’t done [hand] paper cutting since I was a tween!

So many things would have been lost if not for swapping and great partners who made with abandon.


Beautifully said!

I agree…amazing to see people taking the same supplies and doing totally different things with them…proves each person is unique and sees the world differently no matter what…


Hi all - if y’all have received and agree to open with your partner, please remember to take good photos - you want to show off all your partners’ great skill! We will still not start posting until October 1, though.


Look what arrived! I can’t believe this was mailed from the west coast on August 27 and arrived in Europe today. When the doorbell rang I was about to tell the postman I wasn’t expecting anything, until I saw the drawing on the box and I went, oh, yes, that one’s definitely for me!


** YOINK **

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Great drawing!