COMPLETE Mug Rug Swap (signup 7/12-7/19; send outs 8/23)

Tea. The whole pot please. Preferably loose leaf black tea. And a stroopwaffle. Just to fill the rest of the mug rug, obviously. :tea: :cookie:

Coffee gives me a terrible racing heart and the shakes. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m decaffeinated so herbal teas here. Sometimes a decaff coffee when I’m out.

We drink black tea with milk here as a standard and before lockdowns I was good with a strong brew, dash of milk, cuppa tea. But I’m not a milk fan and at home I never really drink that much tea so milk would always go off before I finished it, then cleaning it out for recycling was not fun :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: so I decided to cut out our traditional tea.

I’ve not missed it whilst WFH, although I might when / if I ever get back to the office!


Coffee, can’t start the day without. But herbal tea in the evening and herbal ice tea in the summer.


I’ll take flavored coffee or flavored tea. Plain of either isn’t my favorite.

I’ve made good progress on half of my mug rug and will make time on Sunday to keep on keeping on with it. I’m not a sewer normally and the challenge is really fun. I’m so glad I signed up for this swap!


Plain watered down coffee or flavored herbal tea. In the winter, hot chocolate and hot apple cider!

I am excited to see what you are making @Thimbles I am sure I will absolutely love it!!! I am working on the main thing this weekend. I have my fingers crossed it turns out well.


Both tea and coffee, depending on mood!

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My mug rug is all packed up and just waiting for the postal carrier to take it away!


First part of my mug rug is done. On to the next step.


I ripped out part and redid it today and I’m much happier with it now! Should be able to get it mailed early this week :slight_smile:

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I made a non-brilliant move. Fingers crossed I can work it out!


Everyone was so productive over the weekend! I managed to sort my fabric pile and select fabrics, but that’s as far as I got. :sweat_smile:

Since we have a package on it’s way, here’s the GALLERY!

Check in question: August is vacation month in my office. Someone is on vacation every week! We are headed to the Jersey Shore next week. Anyone else have any vacation plans (large or small) for the summer?


No real vacation plans, but I am skipping out on work one day to go to Tangier Island.

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No vacation plans. Just more social distancing while Delta spreads throughout the South. :pensive:


We just spent a weekend in the Berkshires, but no set plans for the rest of August.


I did my top last night! Currently staring at one spot trying to decide if it bugs me enough to redo…


Been there!

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My dad’s people are from Tangier Island. I haven’t been in ages. Of the ~1000 people in the US with my last name I’d say most live or came from Tangier.

For people who don’t know - Tangier Island is in the Chesapeake Bay in Virginia. They were pretty secluded for a long time. You can only get there by ferry. And they developed a unique accent.


In July we spent two weeks on the island of Texel in the Netherlands.

I’ve been struggling with swap anxiety recently and I still can’t decide what to make. Too many ideas and the feeling that I can’t realize any of them :see_no_evil: Maybe I just have to sit down and stop thinking :thinking:


No vacation for me, but I am getting really excited to FINALLY actually move into my new apartment next Monday! I’ve been really busy packing and hauling stuff around for that, so I haven’t made much progress on the mug rug yet, but I did finally gather all the supplies I needed, so that’s a start!


I definitely had to look up Tangier Island! So interesting about the accent. I couldn’t understand the one guy when he started speaking in the video!

This is usually me. That’s part of why I just bought a pattern when the swap closed. No turning back (though I almost did!), lol. Yes, just starting something usually helps me tune into creativity so I stop overthinking. You will get there!

Awesome @roler! Happy moving!