COMPLETE-Teesha Moore Patch OR Adult Merit Badge Swap Signup 5/30-6/7

I’ll be ready to send this week!

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just bought some of the perfect fabric for this project!

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Hey friends! Sendouts are one week from today. We already have two badges in the gallery. I can hardly wait to see the rest of them there! Happy crafting. :slight_smile:


I haven’t heard from a few of you in a while. Let’s do a check-in question. Independence Day is just around the corner for Americans. It is one of my favorite holidays because my tiny town usually has a huge festival. What is YOUR favorite holiday and why?

My favorite holiday is usually Thanksgiving- it’s the most low pressure holiday. Just family (sometimes friends, too) and food.

I have my patch idea firmly in mind, and hope to work on it tomorrow. This week flew by and was busier than I expected. But for me, coming up with an idea is the part that takes the longest, so once I get started it comes together relatively quickly!


I’m a Halloween girl all the way. It’s a day dedicated to fun costumes and candy, with no pressure to cook, buy gifts, or negotiate prickly relatives.


U.S. Independence Day is probably my favorite, but for thoroughly selfish reasons unrelated to the holiday: it’s my birthday, so I always get the day off from work, and usually fireworks! Plus I never have to plan anything or be the center of attention; if I want to do something social and celebratory (which is rare) I can just glom on to some pre-existing social gathering. :grin:


Those are some pretty solid reasons, TBH.:+1:


I am so sad today. More info in the Ongoing thread, but we had to say goodbye to our senior dog Mia today.

Favorite holiday is Christmas. I love everything about it . The decorations, the music, the gift giving…it’s magical.

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I’m so sorry. :sweat:

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Nooo, Mia! :disappointed: I’m so sorry.

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The 4th is my brother’s birthday too! He turns 30 this year! :astonished: I’ve always had a soft spot for it for that reason. Plus who doesn’t love fireworks?

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I like hallowe’en, but I also have an affection for the various new year celebrations (Samhain, solstice, calendar new year’s, E Asian New Year…)

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Oh no, they leave a hole in your heart when they have to go :frowning:


Sorry to hear about your canine friend, @Lynx. Hugs to you; it’s been an awfully rough year!!!

I love Christmas, although it can get stressy at times. The music and the lights and the decorations and the general goodwill all around, always lift my spirits.

I’m having fun with my badge for @Lynx today. It’s coming together nicely! Still plenty to do, especially since I came up with another way to do the _______ that will look nicer but probably take a bit longer. I also want to make a _______ for it. Somehow… I did another stash dive and found some good additions and some other things I might add. Husband gets a lot of ”Should I use this one or that one?” right now. What can I say, he’s got good taste when it comes to colors.


I’m all done! Now to get it packaged up and mailed out…

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I am making progress! We’re in the middle of a big thunderstorm right now, so as long as the power stays on, I should be more than half done tonight.

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Hmm, my favorite holiday is probably Christmas, because that’s when I get to see all my cousins together and we laugh 'til our faces hurt. Silly parlor games are the best!

I’ve had my patch done for a while now but have just been slow about mailing. I’ll get on top of that!

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Reminder: the sendout deadline is tomorrow! Please let me know if you will be sending late.