COMPLETE: Vintage Halloween Swap 2020 (SU: 7/29-8/5. SO: 9/8)

HA HA HA! Love your answer!

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Best: full size chocolate bars ( I agree )
Worst: Candy corn. But the worst THING to be given is probably warm, Sam’s club brand soda. There was a neighbor who just left cases of it on his porch for Halloween, with a sign that said “take one”.

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I am on board with @marionberries, I do the same thing!

Best candy to give: mini chocolate candy bars

Worst candy to receive: raisins


Best to give… I think I will jump on the full-sized candy bar bandwagon.

Worst to give… chocolate you bought on clearance ten years ago and have been dolling out ever since. You know the kind, it’s chalky and has white crystals forming on the edges and may smell like an old shoebox.


100% full sized chocolate bars. Anything not chocolate is not on the “great treat” list for me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. As a kid I was always disappointed by raisins, circus peanuts and those orange and black wax paper wrapped peanut butter things.

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UGH, I forgot about those orange and black wrapper candies! groooooss!

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These guys?!?


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Best candy to give – Kit Kats. Every kid who comes to my door loses their mind over a Kit Kat.

Worst candy to give – Raisinets. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I hate raisins, and it’s grossly unfair when you think you’re eating a Goober and you get a raisin instead.

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LOL! I like those peanut butter taffies too. I call it old people candy. :rofl:

Raisins are NOT nature’s candy! They are not fun at all.

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Raisins are only good if they are in something. Like granola, or oatmeal cookies.

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as long as they’re not in potato salad!!

That should be illegal. Nope, with a side of nope. I have seen raisins and cranberries in chicken salad though.

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Best to receive? Homemade popcorn balls back in the days you could trust your neighbors!
Worst: breath mints

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We have a sender! The gallery is up.


WOW, I’m only half way done crafting! :scream::yarn::thread:

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Whoa! :racing_car:

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Best is all the chocolate!!!

Worst were the little religious comic books people used to hand out or the strawberry hard candies


I haven’t even started. I did order a few bits for my creation, but most is coming from my stash…i better get to growing that pumpkin!

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Ugh, I had someone give me those religious comic books at my work when I was working at a pizza place. She then screamed at me when I dropped it in the garbage as she walked out the door…


Best candy always, always full sized bars of candy!!!
Worst “candy” for me is toothbrushes. Seriously.

I have some supplies out and I’m heading to the craft store today. I got a new full time job since, thanks to covid, I was laid off at my school job. Now my hours are very different. I’m really enjoying the 4 days on, 3 days off but after an 11 hour day I just want to veg out lol. Crafting commences this evening. :slight_smile: