COMPLETE: Vintage Halloween Swap 2020 (SU: 7/29-8/5. SO: 9/8)

I started. Well I made a mess, pulled out some bits and pieces that might work, got to work in my brain figuring out the logistics. See…started.


I am almost there. I have an extra that I’m stuck on… Waiting for a supply to arrive tomorrow. I’m hopeful that I’ll be mailing this on Monday! :jack_o_lantern:

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Check in time!
Tell us a Halloween joke.

Why did the headless horseman go into business?
He wanted to get ahead in life.


How do you fix a broken jack-o-lantern?
With a pumpkin patch!


What is a ghost’s favourite dessert?

Boo-berries and I Scream!


Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?
A: Because you can see right through them!



You guys are killing me!

What’s a ghost’s favorite exercise?
Dead Lifts


I completely forgot to share a joke… I had to go look some up… lol

Why didn’t the skeleton go to school?

His heart wasn’t in it.



so funny!!

Ok, what is a vampire’s favorite dog? A blood hound!


Oops, owe you guys a joke. What do you do when look out your window and see zombies? You hope it’s Halloween!


Loved the jokes!

Okay! Weekly check in time!
When you were a little kid, did you wear a costume of your own creation or a store bought one?

I always made up my own, but I wanted the store bought one SO bad! I guess that’s why I collect them now, especially the masks.


Mix of both. When I was younger my grandmother made me an excellent Catwoman (Tim Burton movie version) costume, and a Tudor Renaissance style dress . When I got older I started “making” my own, with thrift store finds. Those store bought costumes are so expensive, but they are ill-fitting and the material is so cheap and itchy.

ETA: I don’t remember the store bought costumes being so terrible in the early 90s, I loved my pink Power Rangers and genie costumes. By the time I hit high school thought it was all garbage.

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I am 43 years old and have dressed up every Halloween be it store bought or hand made! I’m a terrible historian and don’t have many pics to back that up.
My favorite hand made costume came courtesy of my sister-in-law, she sewed this monstrosity, bought me the wig, and did my make-up. She’s the one that taught me to sew and crochet so she’s my fave.

This is probably also where my irrational fear of clowns stemmed from. I was with my best friend at the time, Lonni.

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Small town, no way were we going to drive into the larger town for a costume. I think my brother had a devil mask that was reused year after year. We made our own with mom’s reluctant help. She sewed, so costumes were basic, but fun. And then it was usually cold and we wore heavy coats over the costumes anyway. I do remember a cat tail, capes, etc. over the years. I wanted to be a black ghost one year, but mom would not mess with black dye, so I ended up being a green ghost. Who knows why.
I made my kid’s costumes with having them make as much of the costume as possible. One year we had a sleeping beauty, prince charming, and maleficent. I scared small children. Another was He-man and She-ra. My daughter’s friends made 50’s poodle skirts one year. Then it rained and those felt skirts were so heavy! Fun times.
I still make costumes for our church’s Trunk or Treat. I love dressing up.

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I mainly had store bought costumes as a kid but have done more DIY ones as an adult.

I’m almost ready to send!


I am behind a question! Here’s my Halloween joke:

Q: Why did the ghost go into the bar?
A: For the Boos. (ha!)

I always DIY’ed my costume. I think I was a cat for about five years in a row.


I had a variety of costumes that were store bought or made-at-home.I did not create any on my own 100% though. I wore the plastic over-piece with that sharp plastic character mask at least a couple of times. lol

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Sometimes my mom would make ours, but most often it was store bought with me wishing my mom made it for me.
Love the clown pic! Lol I would be scared also

I made good headway today. Still quite a bit more to do but that will have to wait till my next day off.

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My package was delivered! SWAP ANXIETY!!!


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