You will be sending a book/books (20.00 limit), a small book theme crafted item and chocolate (Bar, truffles, hot chocolate).
If you want to participate, information to send to organizer:
Name of swap: Winter Book Swap 2020
Lettuce Craft username:
Email address:
Your real name:
Mailing address including the country:
Would you be willing to ship to an address outside your own country?:
3 Favorite Writers or Genre:
Favorite type of chocolate (dark, milk, other):
Used books are okay: YES/NO
Extras are the best! Let’s go overboard!: YES/NO
Favorite colors:
Least favorite colors:
Are you willing to check in every week and thank you partner in the gallery?
Let your partner know a little bit about yourself/pinterest
Oh geez… I fear I may be powerless to resist… I wasn’t planning to swap, but I can do a small, book-themed item. I will prepare my questionnaire shortly!