I didn’t finish in time - I’m sick, and I have stuff going on with my mother. Next time, friends.
Sending you positive vibes, @Smmarrt!
Yes, hope you feel better!
I just signed up. Finished last night and planned to sign up this morning but spaced it. Hoping I made it in under the wire🤞🏻
I got you!
ok all addresses have been sent out. Please verify with the chart at the bottom of the first post of this thread that you received all the right addresses.
Make sure to mail your cards by Friday!
Mine looks great! Thank you for doing this and organizing this whole swap. So much fun. I can’t wait for the mailbox to flow with cards.
Mine also look good! So excited!
I am addressing my cards and later tonight, I will add a personal note! Thanks, @geekgirl…it will be nice to get some mail since I ran out of things to order from Amazon…ha ha ha!
Yay! Hoping to mail out tomorrow, but struggling with anxiety. I went more fun/silly than artsy and now I’m questioning my choices!
I’m in the 'fun" camp, too, so you’re not alone!
I feel stupid. I totally thought we were sending three cards to one person. Doh!
I should read things better. lol.
No biggie though! And way more fun.
@geekgirl, the list looks correct to me.
My list is correct and I put all my cards in the mail this afternoon!
Sent! My cards are so random. But I had fun fiddling with my watercolors.
I just have a few more notes to do…I vacillate between short and sweet and “story of my entire life”…I want to send them all at once, so will mail out tomorrow! Also, my address labels are not sticking so I am going to have to tape them down.
UPDATE: In the mail!
Just dropped mine at the post office, too!
Mine are eagerly awaiting carrier pickup. Well, I’m eagerly awaiting their pickup, anyway.
Mine have been sent!