I so wish I had the mental or emotional bandwidth right now to create and donate. I’m happy others are partaking in the joy of the Garage Sale again and snagging treasures from fellow craft super stars. It was such a good experience the first time around and I really wanted to donate a piece this time. I’m just not in a place where that’s possible currently.
I have sent a regular donation in lieu of participating and if there’s ever a third round someone DM me a kick right in the pants!
To all the fabulous crafty warriors who donated their skills and their time, I love you all. You give me hope and a place to come back to where people are beautiful and loving and magically create goodness with their hearts and their hands.
How exciting to wake up to the last several entries in this thread! I’m just one sip into my coffee and have only been vertical for about 7 minutes… I’m a bit overwhelmed. I guess I need to get my act together so I can browse the sale!
8 items sold! All emails sent, telling donators where to send items to.
Quick question though… Did someone here buy the Frog’s Summer painting? I don’t recognize the name of the buyer. It could be someone using their spouse’s PayPal account, or it might have just gone to a random eBay user.
After that, I’m going to try to work on putting together 3 items of my own for the sale!
(And I went grocery shopping, and did all my food prep for the week, and organized cupboards, AND Jim & I just finished our taxes. I’m on a freaking ROLL today!)