or…that time I had to crochet something and I didn’t know how to crochet.
My friend Shay makes wonderful crocheted items. A few years back I tried to persuade her to make me a wreath, in the style of Attic24.
“You’re crafty,” she said. “Make it your own self.”
“Damn you, Shay,” said I, as I took my own self off to the store to buy yarn.
“Damn you, Shay,” as I dug around in my craft stuff for crochet hooks.
“Damn you, Shay,” as I struggled with the magic ring.
“Damn you, Shay,” as I looked up how to do double crochet.
Turns out you can’t go far wrong crocheting flowers.
It doesn’t look much like the inspiration, but it’s good enough for me.
It took me a minute to get the demouchè reference, lol. I googled it and wasn’t finding the answer when all of a sudden it clicked and made me laugh .
Your wreath looks very spring-y and would make for a nice splash of color on dreary days! Thank you for including the story of how this wreath came to be, it was a very entertaining read .