DNA model - laser cut


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This looks incredible! Iโ€™ve been searching for a DNA model for quite some time, and this is exactly what I need for my class. Would you mind sending me the lasercut file? duli.martinez.o@gmail.com

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Sent :wink:

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hello, this is amazing project doing in class with students. Do you mind sharing your cutting files? thanks



I love every time this topic pops up!! Thank you for sharing your file!



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This is awesome! I just finished cutting our letter tiles to play with base pairs for a teacher. If you have a chance, would you be willing to share your cut file? Iโ€™d love to surprise her with the additional resource! :slight_smile: savery@bonnyeagle.org


Sent :wink:

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You are awesome! :slight_smile:


She really, really is!

Hi, this model is crazy. I teach biology and I have a laser cut. Could I have yur cutting files? Thanks, Nicolas


Sent :wink:

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Great works, could I have a copy of the files?
this is my mail: gianluca.badalamenti@gmail.com


I have access to a laser cutter at my school and would LOVE to make these for my Bio students. Is there any chance I could please have a copy of your files for printing?
People are posting emails so Ill add mine too. (Iโ€™ll use my throwaway just in case anyone gets the wrong idea here) teegz@hotmail.com
Thank you so much in advance!
Cheers T

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I love it! Could you please share the file? Iโ€™ll laser cut it for my sonโ€™s Science class.
My email claudialo2000@gmail.com

Good morning
Could you please share the file with me? I would love to laser cut it and give it to my sonโ€™s Science teacher, she has done so much for my kid this year, it would be the perfect end of the year present for her
My email is claudialo2000@gmail.com
Thank you so much

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Sorry that took a bit. Files sent. :wink:

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