Draw'tober Craft(art)-a-long

Here is my complete Peachtober page:

I combined some of the days into single drawings. I am glad to have the page complete!


Miss Charmaine Von DaySpa

And that’s a wrap for me, unless I make a title card to fill the last page pocket. I’ve enjoyed seeing everyone’s projects. Thanks for the nudge, @PrincessP!


Hahaha brilliant!!
I’d love to see them all together :grinning:

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So great :grinning: congrats on finishing :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:

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Love all your little drawings. Fun!

I love your interpretations! I hit a roadblock when a bunch of stuff hit all at once for school, and haven’t been able to get back to mine. But, it’s waiting for me! The next two weeks will be crazy (we’re supposed to go hybrid in a week, so this week is A) Finishing the term with our current group, B) planning for the transition next week with a bunch of new students and a new teaching team, and C) still teaching solid lessons in spite of A and B!) but hopefully I’ll be able to sneak something in. I’ll need some down time st some point!


Even though I didn’t finish, I still enjoyed what I did and also seeing everyone’s creations. Thanks @PrincessP !

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I squeaked out one more! I didn’t do this with the intention of it being for Inktober, but dh pointed out to me that it worked for the prompt “Hide.” The impetus for this sketch was a silly conversation I had with a Twitter friend; he loved it. In the UK and maybe Australia, he’s called Wally, but here in the States, we know this character as Waldo. It made for a great pun and my friend loves puns and eels.


Here they are in their binder page, with title card (and some glare).


They look so great all together!

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Heheh “Weeldo”. His face is very cute and I like his tiny fins. The red really pops.


Thank you! I never really noticed until I drew my first eel earlier in Inktober that they have faces like Muppets! :smile:

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Hahaha! So true!


Wish I had seen this thread earlier. I got 21 days of ink drawings done (following a mishmash of prompt lists) before I got to busy with Halloween stuff with my kiddos to continue. Maybe next year I’ll finish.