Endemic Bird Paintings

It’s been a hot minute since I had a reason to paint, but I got to fill a whole wall at a gallery this month, so it was the perfect opportunity to dust off the acrylics and canvas!

I decided to focus on our local endemic forest birds, and I tried to bring some joy to it, even though there are only a handful of species left. (However, I feel like people are bummed, and someone even called it depressing!)

Anyway, I filled the wall with mixed media, as my main focus was on some stoneware masks I made, but I was really excited to paint again!

Here are some 2-D pieces from my installation. :slight_smile:

For this one, I tried to imagine the bright colors of the 'ō’ū, which was last seen in 1989:

A pueo family (they’re still around, though there aren’t many left):

Here are a bunch of O’ahu nukupu’u in a koa tree. (This one is gouache, not acrylic). One of the challenges I had was how so many of these birds evolved with the plants around them, so the flora and fauna would take on characteristics of each other; I thought it would be fun to have an I Spy/Where’s Waldo piece, heehee.

A graphic, almost lino-cut style acrylic painting of the O’ahu 'Ō’ō (last seen in 1837):

And one more of an 'i’iwi (which is still around, although its existence is questionable on O’ahu at this point) in an 'ōhi’a tree:

And here’s just a quick photo of the wall when we installed. Thank you for looking!


Oh! And if you happen to b on O’ahu soon, it’s up until the end of August and the gallery is open every day in Kailua!


These are beautiful! So vibrant and soulful. You have a distinctive style that’s so inviting. I really love the installation wall and how the pieces look all together.

My favorite is the linocut style O’ahu 'Ō’ō.


Love all of these, but the pueo family is my favorite.


These are gorgeous! You really captured the atmosphere and their eyes. Beautifully done and displayed. You have a great set up!

What a way to provide some education on these beautiful creatures! It is always sad to think about species lost (mostly due to humans!)…but maybe current species will be saved!

Love how everything is displayed…shows off your skills in mixed media and shows off the culture!

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They all look great! The O’ahu nukupu’u blend in really well! :grin:


Thank you all so much!

And yes, it is so sad, but the first step is acknowledging what is happening. (Sadly, we’re the extinction capital of the world and there are a handful of forest bird species throughout Hawai’i that are expected to go extinct within the next few years.)

But there are a LOT of people working hard to do what we can to help save some of them. Kauai is very close to releasing a mosquito biocontrol that should hopefully help reduce the rates of avian malaria, so fingers crossed!