Our friend made us a 2024 calendar featuring photographs of the guys’ camping trips over the years. My husband goes camping with his long-time friends every summer; they’ve been doing it for about 16 years.
I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the photos, and they’re not recyclable, so I made them into something else.
Envelopes and oversized postcards. I also made a little pocket folder (not shown).
What a great idea. When you mail the envelopes, do you have to put a solid white address label on it? I’m curious how easily it is sorted by the automated machines at the postal distribution centers.
Yes, whenever I make envelopes, I use a plain white label to write the address. Sometimes I add washi tape around it to make it prettier. I found these very large adhesive labels at Dollartree, so I usually use those and just cut it to the size I need. I also use them for the return address.