Everyday Holidays Craftalong January 2024

Love this idea. I did have profiteroles for dessert the other day but I didn’t know it was cream puff day. And I’m totally down for Pizza week and Hot Tea month and lots of them.

Now to think of projects!


Love this! I think we had some odd-holiday themed swaps on the old site. Hmmm…. How come I’m eyeing all the food-related holidays?


This is so fun! Thanks for hosting!

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oh, just yesterday, when I realized I missed whipped cream day, I thought I want to keep better track of these days, especially the silly ones and the food ones.
Thanks for all the lists and resources, I hope I’ll be able to play along :slight_smile:

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Thank you for joining along, everyone!

I’m open to ideas on how to make this craftlong more fun and engaging.

What would people like to see/do?

Would challenges be of interest? If so, do we want to have points awarded for completed challenges for the fun of it?

Please feel free to offer up any suggestions!

I would also love to do some video craftalong times where we can each work on whatever we want that’s related to this craftalong, if there’s interest in that. Please let me kkow!


I don’t have a lot of ideas, but I HAVE done some things I forgot to post. For example, I used whipping cream to make banana ice cream on 1/5, Whipping Cream Day.

And this doesn’t really count, because I’ve done this almost every day since Christmas, but yesterday on Apricot Day I had apple-apricot jelly on my morning toast. (My sister makes it and sent some as a gift.)

My husband makes a mean tempura, but I wasn’t able to talk him into making it on Tempura Day.


Thought about it…For-the-fun-of-it points and challenges sound fun. I have not participated in LC Zoom sessions so far, so I’m doubtful if I would. (I know lots of people enjoy those, though, so don’t assume I speak for anyone else.)

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mmmm both of these look soooo good :heart: :yum: :heart:

Thanks for sharing!

Let me think about the points and see what I can come up with. I think the easiest way for our first go round might be 1 point for every thing you make that you post here in relation to an Everyday Holiday. I think it’s OK if they’re posted out of order, on a separate day, etc. The point is to have fun and celebrate each day.

I’ll think about it and see if anyone else has suggestions before posting about points :slight_smile:

I think for the challenges, monthly challenges to do with the monthly celebrations will likely work best. I’ll think about these as well.

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AHHH! lol This is sooo up my alley. I also use everyday holidays for ways to cheer myself up when I’m down. I also have repeated crappy things attached to especially Thanksgiving & Christmas and do not celebrate them. Not that I care if anyone else does lol I get my fair share of that cheer through work. But those days are nixed from my personal celebration line up. lol

One of my past jobs was creating content for bloggers, and I used these everyday holidays for inspiration.

I work from home and I like using them to mix up my routine. lol Have something fun happen. Do something I normally wouldn’t. Inspire craftiness. lol I dunno. I like spicing things up even if it’s as mundane as cleaning my desk. lol

I’ll have to take some pictures of what I"ve done so far. One personal challenge I have this year is to work on my massive crochet WIPs. But I"m throwing in any WIP I find and wanna finish. lol My rules are real loose.
But yeah - I’m totally up for new challenges and whatnot.

I’ll have to post some pics of things I"ve made so far. For Tempura day I finished my tempura shrimp amigurumi and for House Plant Appreciation day, I worked on some plastic canvas house plants. lol I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do with those, I wanna find way to display them on my desk or something. I dunno yet.

So yeah…I’m pumped and want to write a bunch more and will later. loL.

Anyone celebrating anything today?


SHOULD really clear off my desk, but maybe I’ll make a donation to an organization that fights human trafficking. Do have plans to make a curry with chicken, tomorrow.


This thread reminds me of this book I got to pepper some extra fun into our year:

The dust jacket opens out to a calendar:

I found it in a store but one can find it online, too.

Thriftbooks link here if you’re interested.


Came here to post that we made our curry today (Hot and Spicy Food Day) instead of on Curry Day.

And I did watch Korean YouTube videos on Korean American Day… but as far as I can tell, there is nothing American about them, so that doesn’t count!

This guy makes amazing quality hand-crafted bags (leather, so avoid watching if you are anti-leather.)


Not much crafting, but paying a bit more attention to the days on the calendar.
So, yesterday for popcorn day, we made some popcorn, and ate it in front of the TV.
And today made some arancini and had those and some yummy cheeses at dinner, for cheese lovers day, because we are indeed cheese lovers.
Also made soup a few times this month, for soup month and for the colds and other sicknesses that abound here.


Wow, what an amazing collection of fun ideas! It seems like a great way to prompt some creativity, I’m going to see if I can come up with something to share too :grinning:


I made some new soup for Hot Soup Month :slight_smile:

It’s not a pretty photo but it was delicious. It’s cauliflower potato soup with savoury cashew cream.

I posted how I made it step by step on the main forum: Cauliflower Potato Soup with Savoury Cashew Cream

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I keep forgetting to post things on here! At our house, we made popcorn on Popcorn Day and had cheese dip on Cheese Day, and I made chicken noodle soup for Hot Soup Month. Apparently, the food holidays are the only ones that really inspire me.

Hope you’re feeling 100% recovered from your COVID, @LindyBlues.


I feel the same way with the “everyday holidays” lol. It’s usually about the food :yum: :joy:

I’m still not 100% and my voice is not back, so I have been missing choir… I have booked an appointment to speak with my doctor on Feb. 14th. If my voice is still not back by then, hopefully he’ll refer me to an ENT. We shall see. Thanks for checking in with me :heart:

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I think I might start a new thread for each month for the Everyday Holidays Craftalong, just because there are so many of the holidays, and it might get cumbersome to keep scrolling. So please check out the new threads, and do let me know if you’d prefer to have all months in one place.

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Either way seems fine to me. If you do a new thread each month, maybe link the new month at the bottom of the old thread, just to make it easier for people to find the next one.

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Hi everyone!

The February Everyday Holidays Craftalong is up:

Everyday Holidays Craftalong February 2024

It’s a little less convoluted this time, I think.

I haven’t added all the resources and ideas yet, but I hope to finish this by tomorrow evening.

Join us :slight_smile: