Expert Catch, Needle Felting


I think this one is my favorite that you’ve shared so far. I love the little natural fishing pole!


Please tell me you’re working up to a little diorama village at some point! All these characters…


Oh my goodness! His little bandana! His sandals! So adorable! And, I agree… I’d love to see them all arranged in some sort of scene, at some point.


You are KILLING me with all the cuteness. It reminds me of the mouse mansion


Thank you!! Virginia creeper vine! I have a lot of it! That and English Ivy which is eating my “yard”.

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Sadly no. It wouldn’t be little to house all of these guys and all of them intend on moving on so to speak.
One of the people sheltering with us during the virus collected the Barbie castle that was thrown out down the street with the intention of re-designing the whole thing, but she hasn’t done anything with it (and it’s taking up a lot of space even disassembled).

Thanks!! :smiley:
I am familiar with Mouse Mansion!! :mouse: Would love to see that in person!!

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Thank you!! :mouse:

While they are small (usually under 5") to even try to do a suitable “group” shot would not be easy and certainly beyond my photographic talents (which are non-existent)!

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Each is like a character in a stop motion movie. But made of felt. And tangible.

I love every installation.


To me, they look like individuals one would meet along a journey though a magical mouse land, and each could give you a unique perspective about the place and its customs, or give your advice on where to travel next – but they do all seem to be living separate lives in different places, you make them each so unique. The photos you have could be compiled into a book, with monologues or biographies written for each mouse!


Oh my gosh! I love this! He is so adorable and amazing :raised_hands:t2:

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Thank you very much @JoyfulClover & @calluna & @PrincessP !!! :mouse: :smiley:

When my son was growing up, his dad and I would tell him stories about how his Pookies (stuffed lions) would go out every night to Dunkin Donuts and play floor hockey with the crullers and munchkins! Such nightly expeditions also included other stuffed toys, the chenille stem dragons, the “osts” (small cute dragons) from the role playing game I wrote and ran online for years and everything else that small and cute.
Inevitably Lothar Pookie would get too rough and they would get banned and have to move on to a new Dunkin Donuts. Collectively they have the coordinates for every donut shop around the world and a very diverse set of companions!


Your little mouse is so cute and so was the story about the Pookies!


It truly is, a whole other little world, Harlan. I love to hear the stories. And you were running online games early!!

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I love all these little guys! This one is super cute… love the fishing pole!!!

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Online games was how I met my husband! Back then there wasn’t even an internet and the games we played were played in chat. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @gozer & @JoyfulClover & @Bunny1kenobi!! :mouse:

I enjoy making them! Sometimes I have a pretty good idea where I’m going to go with them and other times they just sort of evolve until I figure out who they want to be! :mouse:

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I love this story so much.

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Online chat games is how I learned to touch type! You can’t keep up with the game if you are looking at your keyboard!
First online game I ever played had been written by the DM. After a couple of months playing that game (and being frustrated by the game) I wrote my own. One of my favorite online games that I played in was Bushido! We had an excellent GM for that game!

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