Feeling Squirrely

This little guy was just begging to be painted. I love his curious expression and the pop of color in the middle of the page. The finished piece is 5x7" watercolor on coldpress paper, sealed with acrylic spray.

I’ve pinned dozens of awesome animal photos I’d like to paint and am slowly working my way through. So far I’ve stuck with watercolor and this guy is no different. I’ve tried wet-on-wet and layering and still struggle to get the look I want. This fellow was wet-on-dry, treating the watercolors like any other paint (which is my usual method).

“Feeling Squirrely” is being donated to the Craft Stars Garage Sale.



Wow!! You really captured a moment with this little painting! The tree is just perfect…I love that gray/green/blue (?) and all the layers of brown. That little face is the cutest!


Thank you!

So cute!!

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Thank you!

Outstanding! Obviously the old commercial is true,

“sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don’t”

You’re painting is full on Almond JOY.


Love all the colors and textures in the tree, and the little nose peeking out is just so cute!

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Thank you, @Tee & @endymion!

So sweet, and I love those eyes!

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Thank you!

:sparkles: :deciduous_tree: :chipmunk: Congratulations! Your Feeling Squirrely Painting is a Featured Project this week! :chipmunk: :deciduous_tree: :sparkles:

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Yay! Thank you!

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He’s so cute! I’m sure his new home loves him very much.

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This is absolutely gorgeous (like all your watercolours!) You have such a great way of blending watercolours; I’m especially drawn to the layers of brown at the bottom and how they mimic the different shades that would be on a real tree. And the eyes on that little squirrel :heart: Precious!

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OMG this is so cute!! And that tree bark/lichens/moss/whatever is perfect!

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@FiredGinkgo - thank you! He found a great home with @AIMR as a present for her husband!

@LindyBlues - thank you! My usual way of painting with watercolors isn’t very traditional, I tend to work on dry paper rather than wet but it works for me. When I play with other techniques I’m rarely as satisfied.

@Mountains_and_Clouds - thank you!