Felt Bowls/Baskets - Get Ahead of the Holidays Challenge Entry

I think thinner felt laminated to another layer with fusible webbing could be thick/stiff enough. Extra bonus for patterned fabric is the exterior or interior. Or for smaller baskets, lighter could be ok.
And any sort of cord would do, elastic looped to a button even.


Oooh, thanks for that tidbit!
Obviously I have much to learn about felt!

I didnโ€™t even know it came in diff thicknesses!

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These are great! Simple, elegant, and useful!

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:metal: :zap: :boom: Oh, my giggles! Your great craft is one of this weekโ€™s Featured Projects! :metal: :zap: :boom:

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These are gorgeous! so simple, yet so sophisticated. I love that they can be used by anyone so they make such a great gift for anyone of any age or sex. Thanks so much for sharing the details!


oh, now thatโ€™s an idea! Combining fabric and felt with heatbond! The possibilities!

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Itโ€™s on my list to try! I make run stitching on the fild lines to help shape all those layers crisply. Weโ€™ll see!