Felt Bowls/Baskets - Get Ahead of the Holidays Challenge Entry

I’m going into holiday crafting mode, and these have been on my list the last few years. I finally decided to make them happen!

They are made with 12" x 12" 3mm felt, and 3mm leather cord.

I made the pattern with a piece of 12" x 12" paper, a ruler, and a compass. I just cut it out with scissors because I was trying not to be too fussy.

The two rounded edges touch in the middle, so those flaps need to add up to your middle section. I wanted to use the whole piece of felt without a lot of extra cutting, so the inside is 6" x 6", with 3" sides.

Here’s a photo of the pattern with the measurements listed in inches.

I made them in a few batches, since I ran out of cord during the first round. Oops.

Edited to add a couple more photos!

Here’s from the side:

golden side - Copy

And here is one flat:

I also made a few from 16" felt. I just made another pattern for those dimensions (4" sides, 8" middle). The top photo on the right shows the size difference. For the felt I was using, I probably wouldn’t go too much bigger than that - they weren’t floppy, but definitely starting to get a bit more pliable under their own weight.

Thanks for taking a look! Happy crafting!


Elegantly simple!


Wow! I love these! Very modern and cool.


These are really pretty. Do they unfold again and lay flat when not in use (or to, say, mail flat for a swap package?) or are they sewn to shape and the cord is decorative?


They can very easily disassemble! The cord is the only thing keeping them together.

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So cool!

Hey, @Magpie, @AIMR have you guys seen these gems??


Elegant in their simplicity! These have so many potential uses.

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What an excellent project! I love that they flatten.


Wow, thank you for the kindness, everyone! I added two more photos, a side view and a flat view, based on the comments!


Loving these. Streamlined, not fuzzy, modern, yet still cozy (felt fuzz!) and cute. I would happily use these in my house!

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Right? “Modern but cozy” is a perfect description for them- they would check boxes for a wide audience. They have a crispness about them but aren’t cold and impersonal. They would look great in interiors from minimalist to cottageore.

Great project!


I love them plain and simple, but I also think they can be embellished in a lot of ways! Thanks for sharing the pattern…they all turned out nicely and will make unusual gifts that are useful!


These are wonderful and would be perfect for the Get Ahead of the Holidays Challenge! :wink:


These are great! And @Abbeeroad is right, they would be a great entry in the current challenge!

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Thank you so much, everyone! And @Abbeeroad and @MistressJennie for the reminder about the challenge! I was definitely thinking I’d enter something but it totally slipped my mind!

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Oooh, very stylish!

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so cool!
and thanks to @AIMR , I have some felt I could use!
Now to figure out where to get cord like that!
Thanks for posting this – I wonder if I could make a couple for my STS shop?

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These are wonderful, I can see some in my future. Just need to find some decent felt.


Thanks for the nice comments!

And totally! Go for it!


I think the felt she is using is 3mm…it is way thicker than the stuff I have and sent to you…that type of felt is used for badges and embroidery…I don’t think you would get a good result, but it might be good for a practice run!