Flower Crowns and a Frida Kahlo-Inspired Photo Shoot

I’m making projects out of a box of craft supplies my friend gave to me at the beginning of the shelter in place order in my state. Once things go back to normal, the finished projects will be sold at a craft fair to raise money for her nonprofit, which provides transitional housing in a farm setting for people in recovery. You can see my first project here.

Here’s the box of supplies.

Some of the stuff is dated, so my challenge to myself is to make cool, modern, and unexpected pieces out of traditional and old-fashioned materials.

For my second project, I made two flower crowns. I just cut some fake flowers and leaves off their stems and hot glued to some plastic headbands. Simple, but pretty!

And once I was finished, I pretended I was Frida Kahlo. Because why not? I refuse to be bored during quarantine!


What a lovely challenge you have set for yourself…to use up a box of random supplies!

Off to a good start…the flowered headband is fun and perfect use of those flowers to go with your Frida mood!

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So absolutely beautiful.

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these came out great! awesome photo shoot and project!

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Love your photos and the headband is great.

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I love the tribute for such a great cause.

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Congrats! Your Flower Crowns are one of this week’s featured projects. You are awesome!

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What a fun challenge! I love how you used them!

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