Flower Themed Flip Book

I had a go at making a flip book filled with goodies, following a floral theme (of which I had plenty of stuff in my stash) #stashbusting :muscle:t2:

The recipient loves flowers (and is also a teacher), so I was really happy to find the wood veneer amongst some random supplies.

It was quite a bit of fun once I got going, and I’m looking forward to making another.

Thanks for looking :pray:t2:


This is adorable. Sure to bring a smile to the recipient.

Yay for #stashbusting!

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When it said flipbook I was expecting one of those books with drawings that move when you flip it! Ha!

This is very pretty and I love all the doodads inside. The flower theme is delightful.


Love the different textures and all the little places to put things. :blush:

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This really is lovely!

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Cute! Its beautiful. I’m sure she’ll love it!

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talk about some happy mail! The recipient is sure to love it!