Fridge Magnet Swap R2 Gallery

@Myruka and I did a personal swap for magnets. But I’m going to post in this gallery anyway :laughing:

She did an amazing job of stalking me.

First one I unwrapped made me laugh lout loud.

Then this cute otter in space! Love the nebula

And maybe Myruka is too good at stalking as she knows what I’m like in the mornings!

Lucy from Disenchantment with my favorite catch phrase!

And snark!

Thanks for agreeing to a swap and the awesome magnets!

Oh and the cute little note card


Those are all so fun! Lovely work, @Myruka!


I totally laughed out loud as well at the trash panda!


Luci is awesome!!


Thank you! And I’m so glad you loved your magnets @geekgirl. And I was cackling while painting that heel on that raccoon.

And I did stalk your Pinterest! Hard! Lol!!! You had a lot of good stuff pinned that gave me ideas.

And the hedgehog was also a reflection on myself every morning :rofl: so, twinsies!

And thank you @Tapestry @irid3sc3nt @Abbeeroad

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I received from @geekgirl.

I listen to audiobooks on my commute to work, art pallete for my job as art teacher, a sweet blue bird, LC fridge bling, and a teensy Starry Night tile.

Fun assortment, many thanks!


Oooo, nice! What are the round ones made out of?

I almost bought a lettuce tray at the antique store! It was much too expensive, though. I’m tickled to see the lettuce craft magnet.

@geekgirl Your drawing style for the audiobooks is so fun. Maybe we ought to personal swap for one that is a cassette player instead of books. My 11yo LOVES his cassette player more than his mp3 player. He’s a funny dude.


Wooden circles. I looked for 2.5" ones to make ATCoin sized ones but I couldn’t find any and these are 2.9"


Nicely made! “Audio books” is a tricky concept but you managed it perfectly! Starry night is lovely, little bird and palette are so cute, and lettuce craft :star_struck:

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I received from @irid3sc3nt!
I love them all! Such amazing magnetic goodness!
She included my dogs theme, kawaii fruit theme, and robot theme ( and the cute vintage ladybugs as an extra)!!!


Those are all great! Lovely work, @irid3sc3nt!


Thank you!
I had such a hard time with the robot. That wood was like brick, I could hardly get anything into it so I ended up reinforcing with E6000.
The ladybugs were a super lucky find at my fav antique store.
I thought the strawberry would look weird with a bunch of little marks in it for the seeds, so I made it more kawaii with a green bow. My husband helped me get the shape alright.
The paw is UV resin built up over many many many layers.


When this swap came up, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make the s/u deadline so @geekgirl was nice enough to do a personal swap with me. We followed the same guidelines as the swap and she posted hers already so I would love to share what I received.

First up, for my favorite holiday, this adorable witchy Jack o lantern

Next up, brought happy tears because it brought me back to my childhood. Here’s a Popples!!!

And then I screamed when I opened the next one. My favorite animal/dog. A corgi!!!

Look at his cute little face!!!

And these next two… I didn’t know I needed these, but I did. They are so gorgeous and hilarious/snarky. These beautiful mixed media magnets!

This one had me hollering!!! :joy::joy::joy:

Thank you again @geekgirl


@geekgirl those are all wonderful! Popples! I loved them as a kid. But those snarky magnets are the best. They made me giggle and my fridge is now jealous of @Myruka :joy:.


Omg, popples!! Yes. Awesome work @geekgirl.


Great magnets @geekgirl ! I think the snarky ones are my favorites (for both the words and the clever collages), closely followed by the corgi!


I love it when you draw @geekgirl! The corgi is my favorite!!!

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I received this awesome group from @roler
I love the variety!!! The sun is my favorite!!!


That breakfast burrito one is my favorite, but they are all neat!

Bahahaha, I love the snarky burrito quote one, but they’re all lovely!

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