In the second installment of This Old Scrap Quilt, we have a birthday gift for my DS1.
My stash of scraps was big enough for two (almost) full-sized quilt tops. Like DS2’s quilt, this one also has wool batting. The fabrics I used for borders and backing are different, but the rest is nearly identical.
I had a panel of Bob Ross fabric with four of his landscapes on it in my stash, so I sashed those and added them to the back. Of course, I forgot to measure how much height they would add (figured the width just right, though). So, I had to go back to the fabric store for more of the dark grey fabric to finish the backing. It all worked out in the end, and DS1 got a cozy new quilt for his birthday.
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
It truly is fabulous in so many ways! The fabrics on front are colorful and fun…the back is a nod to new and old…I am in awe that you were able to quilt that size on your sewing machine…well done on both of your sons’ scrappy quilts!
Thanks! I never get tired of looking at scrappy projects, either. I tried to keep a high contrast between colors and color values going throughout the quilt to keep it visually interesting.