Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I’ve received some lovely mail in the last few weeks from @Amfkinney, @PhoenixFireDesigns, @susieoregon, @bluebird, and @kittykill - thank you so much!!

It’s been a busy and stressful time here lately, and it’s so nice to sit with a cup of tea and have a little happy mail break with greetings from far away friends :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Wonderful stories, @Bugaboo !

@jemimah, I’m glad to read you were able to relax with all your lovely Happy Mail!

@Immaculata, I’ve had great difficulty in the past, when still living in The Netherlands, to change doctors (twice). I remember having to write to some kind of committee to get permission to change doctors in the first place and then all the good doctors had a patient stop. I didn’t have much luck with my doctors (GP’s), even though I picked women both of the time. Afterwards I understand how they still had room for new patients. They were not popular for a reason, or multiple reasons.

I am very happy though here in Belgium with my female GP, my female diabetes doctor (ex, I no longer have to go there), my female gynecologist, my female PT, my female eye specialist and my female dentist!
(I started out with several old male doctors, and a very old fashioned old female eye specialist, whom luckily all retired in the meantime. Here in Belgium old people still treat old doctors like semi-gods and those doctors are not used to patients who think and talk for themselves. Me being Dutch made me a ‘difficult patient’ in their eyes before they even met me.)


I’m a little late to the party, but realized that I have a TON of stamps at home and would love to send and receive some happy mail. I’m excited and hopefully will play along the right way. If not, please let me know.

I’m Leann from Michigan in the United States. I love all things cute (especially monsters) and bright but would adore any type of mail. I love different types of teas and bookmarks and ATCs. I would love to receive some recipes in cards from fellow friends. I seem to only make the same meals and could use some more variety in my life.

I’ll pass my address on to Reinikka, but feel free to reach out to me as well!


There is no “right way” :wink: play the way that makes you happiest :kissing_heart: I’ll add you to the list :slight_smile:


Awesome! Thanks so much. I never joined before because I didn’t think I’d have the time to dedicate to it, but my crafty fingers are itching right now and I’m all caught up with swaps. I’d love to make some fun cards. :slight_smile:


Happy to have you join us :slight_smile: Welcome! :partying_face:


Just FYI - I have been receiving but can’t remember who from off the top of my head. We said our last “goodbye” to Putski (our old-man dog…) on Friday and I have been in a fog most of the time since then… we pulled our son out of daycare so now my kid-free time is limited. I’m still here, but I’ll be less available most days for keeping things organized. I’ll see how it goes for the next few months and might run the craftalong a little differently next year (mostly thinking about not being the address keeper and everyone can ask each other as needed… or maybe someone else can step into that roll?)

I’ll try to give credit for the mail I received when I have the brain power. And I’ll try to get the rest of my October mail out before November… I assembled recipe cards with an October message on the back please be forgiving if you get one after the month ends.


Nice to have you jump in!

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@Reinikka many hugs for your tough times.

I’m sure we can work the co-ordination between us all going forward. Thanks for all you’ve done so far. This is an uplifting craftalong.

My update:

I’ve received a few items recently. I love them but haven’t taken pictures. My world is a bit hectic with work worries.

I will try and post at the weekend and because I can’t remember who I posted last there might be some duplicates.

Thank you all for Happy Mail. Not only do I get to receive cool things, I get to try and be creative in a different way :heart_eyes:


Today was a happy day in my mailbox … received cards from @Amfkinney and @Bugaboo.

I also received this wonderful bird postcard from @bluebird, which she got from another happy mailer.



I tried to catch up reading this post…wow…so many nice pieces go out…

I want to thank @bugaboo, @bluebird , and @Amfkinney for the latest round of awesome mail.

I also got mail from @Ewulotta and @Cindy .

Some of the cards had recipes that I definitely want to try! I hope to get back in the swing of sending Happy Mail in a few weeks…

I know it is not much, but, I truly appreciate it during this slump. Truly thanks!


@madebyBeaG’s envelope made it here on the second attempt, so I have a very nice note and a big batch of goodies to show off today:

Very cute stamped tags and stickers (which came in those tiny envelopes!) and I just love the little baby hedgie! Bea’s yarnsquare card will most likely go up on my wall — bright and colourful chaos & order. Perfect. Bea, those Dutch tile images, are those rub off pictures? Or tattoos?

Anyway, thank you very much!


I got a lovely card and recipe from @Amfkinney I’ve been really behind in happy mail. It’s been a crazy couple of months. But life is due to settle down quite a bit after Halloween, so I’ll be finally sending some more out then.


They’re rub off pictures.
I’m so glad my Happy Mail arrived properly this time!


I am so sorry for the loss. Pets are so rough to loose they give us nothing but love!

I am still on the drive if you want to grant edit abilities and can help out. I know how it goes I was in a fog as my job deteriorated in July-Sept. Life sometimes is just rough!


I’m so sorry about your dog. My condolences. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


So sorry for your loss, it is very difficult to lose a furry family member. Take care of yourself please. :heart::heart:


Thank you to @Cindy for the sweet note and recipe :slight_smile: Love the zen-doodle!


Today I got a lovely note from @Bugaboo xx thanks my sweet.

Some of you wonderful women sent happy mail to my cousin Erica who was going through a very tough time. I wanted to let you know how much she appreciated it, sadly her husband lost his battle today, and he is now at rest. But the mail from strangers really gave her a boost. :heavy_heart_exclamation: thank you.


Aw, so sorry to hear about the passing of your cousin’s husband!
Wishing your cousin much strength and warm feelings!