Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I was hoping I might get one of @Ewulotta’s pretty April cards and one of @Reinikka’s Easter cards. I was super curious how they turned out. I didn’t officially join in that, but did send a bunch of Easter cards. I’m going to blur in case you did join and want a surprise!


I need to take a break from video games! :stuck_out_tongue: lol… maybe I’ll spend some time sending out happy mail instead? :wink:


Yes, do that! We love your happy mail!


No design plan yet but I’ve cut some card stock to a size that fits in my envelopes


I ran out of blank cards and by cutting these to be a flat postcard style I can make more :wink: plus they were all partial sheets leftover from other projects so that clears out some of my scrap pile.

I’m still in a bit of a craft fog but hopefully I can figure something out… off to play with my pretty papers now :upside_down_face:


I officially filed a complaint about my missing mail. This is not the first time mail has not arrived, and we get mail for a lady in another street all the time. They told me the other lady had already filed a complaint a while back and the postman was already talked to. Because this is the second complaint, I was promised that his supervisor would get back to me.

I think I know what the problem is, I watched his route - we’re nr 5, the neighbours are nr 3, the next street starts with 3 and the lady that gets our mail is nr 5 again. If the #3’s don’t get mail, mail to the other #5 is right below our mail in his stack and he’s just not paying attention to the street name. That can happen once or twice but we’ve ran after him with wrongly delivered mail at least half a dozen times, and his supervisor has already talked to him. You’d think he’d be able to remember the crazy lady that chased him on her slippers, it’s the same man every day.


New pretty flower stamps! Putting one on a letter back to @Reinikka right now. :wink:

@Immaculata That sounds super frustrating!


Hey! Ditto!

I’m also back in business internationally. I couldn’t resist those fruits & veggies. Those who can’t grow a vegetable garden, buy stamps.

I got mail today. Taking photos now and will post after work. :heart::heart::heart:


OOh, I haven’t seen those bunnies before.


Love everyone’s stamps! The bunnies are cute and I love the round floral stamps as well. @AIMR’s card today also had that stamp (but green instead of pink).


I’m taking a piece of happy mail to the post office this morning … on my way to a job interview :sweat_smile: … wish me luck!


I also bought the flowers and fruit & veggie stamps LOL I thought they’d be fun for spring and they’re growing on me (pun not intended), I might have to buy more so I don’t run out too quickly :slight_smile:

What is it with me and hoarding stamps? I buy them knowing full well they are for mailing to other people but I still have a hard time using up the last of any design. lol…

Well I have my “April Showers” design planned in my head and I started working on it. @Magpie would be so proud of me for using up my itty bitty scraps :heart: I’m only making ten of these and I’m going to send to people I’ve never sent to before first :slight_smile: gotta spread that happy mail love around!


Housekeeping - In a few days I’ll be kicking March birthdays off the list and adding April & May birthdays. Let me know if you have one coming up so I can add you! (I already have @bluebird & @PhoenixFireDesigns)


How do you all get such a cool choice in stamps??
I have boring blue ones for US / Can with the Queen (God save the Queen- I’m not being treacherous), but the same as our normal stamps just blue.

No Fair.


Yeah I’m jealous too. We have stamps with the King and stereotype-confirming stamps with windmills, tulips and clogs. Nothing fun.

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We have only two different stamps for international shipping. That’s why I just bought lots of stamps with different postage so I can throw together the right international postage.


I received an adorable googly-eyed chick Easter card from @Bunny1kenobi

a lovely note from @Cindy in one of her mushroom cards (I was hoping to receive one!) and a cool elephant paperclip.

I’ve been to Vancouver Island too! More details in next card…

A pinwheel card and beautiful, super thin wooden bookmark from @saintcady

We discovered that we live about 2 miles away from each other. Small world! You mention finishing the Star Wars scarf and I saw your post this morning!

AND there’s more! All the way from the United Kingdom @Renstar sent me some super cool quilted bunting!

I am hiding it’s profanity! I have some ideas for how to use this. Really neat. :heart:

I also love the botanical stickers! They are so pretty and realistic.

Thank you all so much! What a wonderful surprise it was.


Wow! What a wonderful assortment :heart:


That is the cutest chick!

Theoretically, that bookmark has a lettuce head on it, but it’s a little vague. :wink:


You are all sending such wonderful happy mail so I decided to join!!! I’m already in the works on my 1st piece of happy mail!

Hopefully the first of many though!


Omg! I see it now. Haha! Too many allergy meds.