Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

I enjoy every type of happy mail: purchased cards, letters (typed or handwritten) simple handmade cards, complicated handmade cards. I just love the idea that someone across the world sat down and wrote this kind message especially for me.

My handwriting has also become terrible. I recently came across some college notes and wow, my handwriting was impressive back then. Also: wow, back when I was in college everyone was taking notes by hand. Feels like that was a century ago instead of a little more than a decade.


I will be so happy with any paper goodies, I mostly asked for stuff to decorate happy mail! Like we all have different rubber stamps, right? I don’t want to buy (& store omg) any more so your stamps on cool papers would be great to have. Easy enough for anybody with even only a little bit of supplies! I would also really love some of those collage faces with the features cut from all different pictures. Those are so fun animal versions too!


LOL too funny!


The funny thing is these so-called crafty supplies are actually just office supplies, like paper clips and paper tags and those circle price tag/label stickers. But I have ideas for using them in crafty ways and apparently in all the years of my adulting I never purchased office supplies. Obscure craft supplies, check. Paper clips…? Er…nope.


I have a whole lot of paper clips although I don’t really need them. I’ve just found out that the kids rummage in my desk drawers and swipe the paper clips to make pick locks. Obviously they are private investigators.


exactly but that’s if I can read my own hand writing to interpret it for you!


OMG I have had an obsession with office supplies for no logical reason like FOREVER!!! I also have a box of old typing paper like the real stuff from the 50’s! Its cool to use in resin crafts disappears like a water slide


@bluebird, my mom and I both received happy mail from you today. The card is so cute, and thanks for the extras!

I’ll try to share a photo later.



I need to catch up on sharing some Happy Mail!

From @geekgirl, beautiful coloring page card and extra happy goodies! :heart_eyes:

From @Bunny1kenobi, photograph card, picture taken by her son. Love it!

And from @bluebird, stamps! :star_struck: And fortunes, and extra little goodies :grin: (PS - I have not received the June to the Moon card yet but I suspect the mail system is still having hiccups :wink:)

I have been oh-so-slow in getting my May cards out :stuck_out_tongue: Just going between super busy days and not feeling well days :face_with_thermometer: bleh


I received a card from @Magpie today.
I was just thinking today I have to reply to your last note and then I receive another one. I guess you’ll just get a longer letter from me :smiley:


I like long letters! Or short ones. Or postcards, I like all the mail!

Received from @Amfkinney, thank you!
The tag says
“Wherever flowers bloom so does hope.”
~ Lady Bird Johnson


awww…she was responsible for the highway wild flowers in our country! As a child, I received a nice card and letter from her when I wrote to tell her how much I loved seeing the flowers when we traveled across the USA! I drew flowers…my first happy mail? lol


Thats a sweet memory! I use to write to my family often when little because calling between USA and Italy was horribly expensive! It was always on the old air mailers single piece very thin you folded and placed your air mail stamp on. So not a lot of room so it was often a little doodle of some sort on them.


I kept many letters that my dad wrote from Vietnam on such stationary! He was also stationed in Italy during WWII so I have letters that he wrote to his family and tons of pictures. He spoke fluent Italian and Russian…he was one of those people who could learn a language in six weeks so we traveled around a lot and he was sent on many solo missions as well…


I am always envious of those people! My one grandmother was the same. She was a linguist but spoke over 14 languages fluently and another 20 some non-fluent It was amazing! I struggle with basic English and basic Italian! I can spell typoneese very fluently though!

I am getting happiness today making some happy mail! After the full on failure of my hand made envelopes I did go prefab cards and envelopes BUT that doesn’t mean they don’t get embellished a bit! They were just blanks so then need oomf!


I received some happy mail from @geekgirl! A pretty and sparkly card and some extra goodies, thanks so much! :blush:


Me: Writes about the warm sunny days we’ve been having. Mails card.

One hour later…


Hahaha! Gotta love Washington :heart::cloud_with_rain:


I wish I’d thought to take pictures this morning. Comments from my German team about how sunny it was here because I was shining (had to close the curtain it was so bright), then as the call finished the sky darkened and rained so bad. Then cleared up again about 30 minutes later!

Crazy weather in Europe!!


Batch of some mail I’ve gotten over the past month (?) or so! I finally had a chance to take a photo to share.

Please know that even if I’m awful about posting timely, I truly do love and appreciate the mail I find in my box. It’s always such a delight!


I am so glad it makes you happy, that’s all I want :slight_smile:

@geekgirl made my day with this Happy Mail loaded with MUSHROOMS squee!

And sometimes when you send Happy Mail to friends who haven’t officially signed up (yet?) they write back anyhow.

Thanks for catching me up on your (n)ewes @MissingWillow!