Happy Mail Craftalong 2021 ~ Monthly themes and Birthdays too!

@LadybugsAndBees hugs. Big hugs. That’s a lot to have to handle and process. Sending you lots of love.





Oh my! You take all the time you need and know that you’ll be welcomed back whenever you’re ready :heart::heart:


Sending you hugs and good vibes :heart: Try not to let yourself feel bad about not being active. There is no pressure here, we only want to lift each other up :heart:


Going to try to catch up over the next few days…

@edel sent me this fun bunch of interesting papers, including a postcard from my favorite BONANZA! I was so in love with Little Joe…lol…and look at the bumblebee card!

@photojenn sent me this wonderful Moon card…I love how it is dimensional !


oh my dear friend –
so sorry to hear about this…
Overwhelmed is a perfectly normal response to so MUCH landing on you @ once!
Big hugs & you & your family are in my thoughts & prayers~

(and please do NOT worry about sending happy mail right now if it adds to your stress level! Just allow us to dote on you a little bit until things even out )


SOoo tired after 15 hours of work today, but not too tired to say thank you for this sweet card & note @Reinikka :).

Also something from @madebyBeaG but it’s a surprise for somebody, shhh :kissing_heart:


I’m so sorry for you!
I too have no contact with one of my two brothers and minimum contact with my parents.
I know how the not feeling for them feels bad sometimes. You want to be good, you want to love your parents. But what if they didn’t know how to love you in the first place?
Anyhow, here’s a big hug for you!
Don’t worry about Happy Mail for now, just take real good care of yourself.
Thinking of you!


Sweetie you’re carrying a huge burden, don’t worry about happy mail, just take time to rest and nurture yourself. X


I have nothing to add that has not already been said, but just wanted to echo their thoughts - absolutely no need to feel guilty for not being active and know that you are in my thoughts.

I have no contact with some members of my family, so understand the feelings you are having. Sending all the supportive (virtual) hugs :two_hearts:


I got lovely may flowers from @Reinikka I love the masterboard touches.


I’m so sorry you’re going through such a hard time. I also know what dealing with complicated family situations is like. It must be so hard to deal with the stress of your husband’s illness right now as well as the ghosts of the past.

Not seeing some members of your family anymore seems to be quite a taboo subject irl, so I’m glad we get to talk about this online without any judgement. It happens way more often than you’d think.


Very true! Society places a stigma on the family member that chooses to leave often abusive and toxic situations with more Christian based ideology of honoring a parent. You will always get “but that’s your mother/father/sibling…” Yet those titles are earned and not just granted! Bottom line for most of us I didn’t miss what I never had, I didn’t miss what I had in terms of abuse, neglect, manipulation and more. It just doesn’t bother me and says more to me about anyone that wants to try and guilt me with it than it says to me about my own character and choices. When my parents died I actually felt relief not even numb.


Same for parent - child relationships. I love them but eagerly await the day they all move out on their own. We plan to downsize immediately so there’s no chance of them moving back in. We dream of the peace, quiet, cleanliness, & space to ourselves. It’s only recently that it’s become acceptable to breathe a word of that as a parent, there is still judgement though. I tell childless friends on the fence that I would make different choices if I could go back in time. Again, love my kids so much but parenting is a hard, exhausting, expensive job.


Really that’s what most people pre-children need to fully understand! Also, kids are not responsible for our happiness! We are responsible for their care and safety and a lot forget that. As for moving out I already have 2 of 5 out of the house and I miss them! If they lived closer maybe it would be better but I see my oldest 4-6x a year and my son for a couple days every 1-2 years. I’d keep them all home if it was possible BUT having adult children living in the home is again another societal stigma in the US

I’m on a meeting which could have been an email to me lol so more pics of what has come in
@susieoregon sent this wonderful camp fire card, pressed and laminated flower and even the stamps beautiful!

@Whistlefish sent this lovely moon card with note, a moon sticker and I adored the envelope all colored with highlighters to jazz up the packaging!

@photojenn sent this amazing card with the perfect quote! I love all your little stamps as well
@Ewulotta I love all the detail the moon is amazing in the metallic paint

@saintcady sent a fiber related post card I think is great!!!
@Edel I love lavender as well!! And the mushrooms stamps adorable!

LOL and now you know!

@jemimah sent this cool card on a Tui! the butterflies are super cool and then this amazing bookmark. I love the raw edge appliqué and tassel

@LadybugsAndBees sent a whole package of card, post cards, stamps, a cool polaroid

Thank you so much all for brightening my rather boring meeting


But, How? How do they pee on their own heads??? :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:


lol just for you…x-rated…lol…

Goats in Rut


Check this out guys!!! Happy mail from the 1930’s & 40’s :open_mouth:

I bought a bag of postcards yesterday at my favorite thrift shop. I thought they would be fun to send out as happy mail… then I started going through them at home and they are so cool! I’ll probably share them with other happy mail but I don’t want to send them as postcards (I don’t want to risk damaging them). But the extra bonus is that a few of them have messages on them, and one has an adorable drawing on it! Not sure what to do with those yet, but they’re super nifty :nerd_face:


Wow, they are awesome!!

I’m loving looking at everyone’s creative mail, it’s gorgeous!


I have a desk full of Happy Mail! I’ll have to take pictures later, but I received a personalized Birthday card from @Bugaboo, Moon themed cards from @Whistlefish and @saintcady, and an entire experience from @Rlynn :kissing_heart: Thank you all! They have been and will be enjoyed thoroughly :grin: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: