Happy Mail Craftalong 2025

Thank you! I’m looking forward to sending some happy mail very soon.

yes, please do!

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great! My bday is Mar 19
and I’ll go copy my intro to add – here we go!

I am Karen G & this thread makes me happy :slight_smile:
I’m especially fond of spring (except for that dratted Daylight Savings Time…ugh)
My birthday is in March, and I celebrate Christmas & Easter.

I have 2 grown daughters, and a darling toddler granddaughter. I fly cross-country to see her as often as I can, so that is why I’m “out of pocket” many times for swaps lately.
She will soon have a baby brother or sister, so life is busy!
UPDATE: We now have 2 toddlers in the family! Toddler (girl) E is sometimes a whirlwind, but also very kind and smart. Baby brother C just had his first birthday! Also, they moved back to the southeast last summer, so I am able to visit much more often :heart:

I enjoy knitting & am trying to get the hang of crochet, but it doesn’t compute all that well for me. I’ve always admired you gals who can paint, embroider, and make cool papercrafts! I try to join in on the papercraft/ mixed media zoom calls from time to time.
Cards I send will likely be storebought, but I’ll try to remember to at least include some stickers inside!
I’m hoping to get some time to try watercolor on cards or maybe ATC’s this winter.
Need to add that to the master to-do list (also get back to my “doodling” notebook that I started when either @Smmarrt or @Abbeeroad shared the link to the Doodle class a few years ago)


Hi, everyone! :slight_smile: I enjoy sending and receiving snail mail. :mailbox_with_mail:

I am from Florida. My favorite time of the year is autumn and winter. In the past I’ve done a lot of various crafty things like knitting, crochet, cross stitch, making jewelry (including chainmail), handbound journals, sewing, and so much more. But lately the things I enjoy doing most are artsy things like ATCs, inchies, making decorated envie mail art, and using stickers, washi etc. Some other things I love are: birds, art, books, writing, coffee, rain, keys, sparkly/glittery/metallic things (I am a magpie!), puzzles, Harry Potter, fantasy, gaming.

If you have my address, it hasn’t changed, so its still current. If you don’t, then please feel free to ask for my address if you’d like to exchange some happy mail with me. :blush: :love_letter:


Yay, @bluebird !!
Glad you are in :two_hearts:


February is upon us! What would you prefer for this month’s theme?

  • Ground & Other Hogs
  • Hearts & Friendship
  • Snowflakes
  • Mountains
0 voters

Hi! Just officially joined this round. I’m Jenn and I live near Dallas, Texas. I’m determined to send more happy mail this year so hoping the craft-a-long helps me be more consistent with that.

I’m a professional dabbler in almost all crafts that don’t involve yarn. Crochet and knitting are my nemesis. Most of the time these days I gravitate toward watercolor and gouache, but I also love creating clay creations with sculpey. I have craft ADD and a bad habit of buying craft supplies and then not using them. I’m trying to get better about that.

I have a daughter in college and a son who’ll start high school in the fall. Both are health-challenged and my family speaks fluent medical-ese. I married my high school sweetheart and this summer will be our 26th wedding anniversary. I’m an avid reader and also write. We are an equal opportunity nerd household: Star Wars for my husband, anime and Monster High for my daughter, Lego and Zelda and D&D for my son, and Doctor Who for me. I have owned 13 hedgehogs (2 currently) and all but two had names that begin with P. The two rogue hedgehogs belong(ed) to my kids: Rose Tyler and Rocket.

As far as things I love: books, reading, hedgehogs, fantasy, Doctor Who, writing, Disc World, art, and art supplies.

Looking forward to sharing some happy mail!


I lived in NM for 12 years. I miss the food soooooooo much. Especially stuffed sopapillas, which are pure heaven and impossible to find in Dallas. My BF still lives in NM and sends me red chili powder when I’m desperate so I can make proper enchiladas.


Ah, sopapillas are one thing I haven’t yet tried to make gluten free! They look so delicious!


Fingers crossed you settle on a good recipe for them that’s GF! They’re one part of NM cuisine not to be missed. That and a proper Green Chili Stew. Yum!


Green chile stew and pozole are two of my favorites to cook! Biscochitos, tortillas, stacked enchiladas… Mmm… But yeah, sopapillas are next!


The results are in and February’s theme is a tie!

:hedgehog: Ground & Other Hogs

:hearts: Hearts & Friendship

Choose between ground & other hogs or hearts and friendship for inspiration for your happy mail, or feel free to completely ignore these themes and do your own thing :heart:


glad you are joining in the fun!
I’m hoping to get some hearts sent out this week~


I don’t think I officially joined last year, so it’s time to remedy that!

Hi! I’m Jen from Manitoba (the heart of the continent, as the old tourism slogan used to say). My first crafty love is and will always be cross-stitch, but I’ve tried a lot over the years. I absolutely cannot knit - unless you enjoy garter-stitched scarves and nothing else - but I can crochet simple patterns which delights me to no end. I dabble in papercraft and enjoy making cards both simple and fancy, but also tend to hoard pretty notecards like a dragon so send a mix of both. I sew a bit and enjoy working with felt, and clearly need to win the lottery so I can retire and do all of this more often. :sweat_smile:

I love sending and receiving mail, cats, pop culture, anything retro or vintage, fun colours, reading, and general geekery. I’m less fond of arachnids and reptiles, eek.

I think that a lot of this year’s participants already have my address, but if you don’t and you’d like some happy mail from the great white north, just PM me!


I’d like to join!

My name is Silke, Silky on the internet, because that’s how everyone pronounced it when I lived in the US.
I live in Germany a bit south of Hamburg.

I love sending and receiving snail mail and had pen pals from all over the world when I was a kid.

I’m doing all kinds of crafts and like trying new things if I have the time.

I have 3 kids and I recently met the love of my life, who has 2 kids on his own. So we try to make all of this work, which kind of reduces my crafting to things that don’t take very long or can be easily stowed away.

PM me for my address.


Happy mail heading out the door in the morning to @skrutt and @bluebird! I have more planned, but still gathering bits and bobs.

Plus, I really need to sit down with my fave hedgehog stamp and make some cards.


Thank you! Looking forward to it! :blush:

I am working on a round to go out soon, but I’m still in the early stages. :slight_smile: :thinking: