Help me choose a doll pattern?

My friend had a baby girl with Downs, I’d like to make her a sturdy doll that will last a long time & be easy to wash & repair as needed. I borrowed this library book of simple patterns and have picked a few faves. Which do you think would be best? Obviously I’ll replace any buttons with a sewn on circle.


Ruby or Zak



  • Jasmine
  • Johnnie
  • Ruby
  • Zak
  • Florence
  • Anya

0 voters

What is it you like best about the doll you choose?

Ruby’s winning so far!

I voted for Jasmine and Zak. I like Jasmine because she has long arms and legs , her outfit is totally adorable, and she has lots of texture which can keep a baby occupied. I like Zak because he is super cute!!! I love the star on his shirt. I like Jasmine the best!


I voted ruby bc she looks “coziest” to me and also very playable at an older age. She looks like a child more so than some of the others and I like that. I love the wackiness of Johnnie but longevity of play, to my eye, rests with Ruby.

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Jasmine can hug you back, and Florence looks friendly.

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I really like the style of hair that Florence & Jasmine have. Ruby & Florence have a similar dress but one has pockets & trim which I prefer. I also quite like the idea of shoes.
But I LOVE those ears on Johnnie, lol.
Oh, & the hair technique is cool.


I picked Ruby because I always loved big cuddly dolls to hug! What a sweet face as well! I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them!

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Can I change my vote to Anya? I feel bad she hasn’t gotten any.

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I chose Ruby and Florence because they both look friendly and cuddly.


Poor Anya, she kinda freaks me out. Lol


You can vote for 2. Yes, poor Anya. There were other dolls in the book that I left out entirely though, at least she (they? It? Yikes!) even got nominated :smile:.

Mostly I included that one because the hair is like a taggy blanket. And I like fun socks.

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Why do I get the feeling you’re going to Frankenstein elements from all these dolls into one? :thinking:


Oh, you know me too well! I am totally thinking that more & more, lol. I have pattern ideas to share too, ha.


19 voters! Wow, thanks everybody. So far Ruby is a clear winner. I’ve really liked reading your comments, so interesting to hear what you like & why. I’ll leave the poll open a couple more days.

Hopefully I’ll be able to leave work a smidge early tonight and get to the fabric store before they close at 5:30. At one time, I had a stash of every colour of fleece, because of course I did :smile: but I made it all into cute monsters. I’ll get enough fabric to make Zak too because this new baby has a 3 year old brother and you know you can’t just give a gift to 1 kid and not the other!


Your monsters back in the day was what got me interested in you and your crafting…so many monsters and all so adorable! No wonder you have to buy fleece!

I love that you will be making two…can’t wait to see them!

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When the girl started kindergarten I suddenly had all sorts of time to myself for the first time in almost a decade, it was amazing! I sewed so much stuff, all the fulled wool sweaters became monsters, denim pockets turned into wall quilts, mending got done. It was the most productive I’d ever been. I learned to can then too.
My mom always said when you have kids & they start to crawl, you also crawl. They learn to walk, you can walk, they get to running & you can run again too. So true!