My friend had a baby girl with Downs, I’d like to make her a sturdy doll that will last a long time & be easy to wash & repair as needed. I borrowed this library book of simple patterns and have picked a few faves. Which do you think would be best? Obviously I’ll replace any buttons with a sewn on circle.
I voted for Jasmine and Zak. I like Jasmine because she has long arms and legs , her outfit is totally adorable, and she has lots of texture which can keep a baby occupied. I like Zak because he is super cute!!! I love the star on his shirt. I like Jasmine the best!
I voted ruby bc she looks “coziest” to me and also very playable at an older age. She looks like a child more so than some of the others and I like that. I love the wackiness of Johnnie but longevity of play, to my eye, rests with Ruby.
I really like the style of hair that Florence & Jasmine have. Ruby & Florence have a similar dress but one has pockets & trim which I prefer. I also quite like the idea of shoes.
But I LOVE those ears on Johnnie, lol.
Oh, & the hair technique is cool.
You can vote for 2. Yes, poor Anya. There were other dolls in the book that I left out entirely though, at least she (they? It? Yikes!) even got nominated .
Mostly I included that one because the hair is like a taggy blanket. And I like fun socks.
19 voters! Wow, thanks everybody. So far Ruby is a clear winner. I’ve really liked reading your comments, so interesting to hear what you like & why. I’ll leave the poll open a couple more days.
Hopefully I’ll be able to leave work a smidge early tonight and get to the fabric store before they close at 5:30. At one time, I had a stash of every colour of fleece, because of course I did but I made it all into cute monsters. I’ll get enough fabric to make Zak too because this new baby has a 3 year old brother and you know you can’t just give a gift to 1 kid and not the other!
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
Your monsters back in the day was what got me interested in you and your crafting…so many monsters and all so adorable! No wonder you have to buy fleece!
I love that you will be making two…can’t wait to see them!
When the girl started kindergarten I suddenly had all sorts of time to myself for the first time in almost a decade, it was amazing! I sewed so much stuff, all the fulled wool sweaters became monsters, denim pockets turned into wall quilts, mending got done. It was the most productive I’d ever been. I learned to can then too.
My mom always said when you have kids & they start to crawl, you also crawl. They learn to walk, you can walk, they get to running & you can run again too. So true!