Help Me Eat Less Meat

I like the walnut-lentil loaf from Angela Liddon (Oh She Glows). I’ve enjoyed most of her recipes I’ve tried.

I usually just cook some brown lentils, cause I don’t tend to keep tinned on hand!

We also love this recipe - my sometimes picky kids who only occasionally like beans eat it :slightly_smiling_face:

I have successfully replaced the almond butter with tahini for a nut-free dish (took to school potluck). I also like to finish with garam masala to taste!


I made (or at least attempted to make) this recipe last night for tacos:

It was…ok. I found another one that baked the mixture instead of using a skillet. I found most of the mixture just stuck for me. The taste was fine, and I still ate it, but it was just a bit hassle-y.

Here’s the baked one I’m going to try next time:

Mr. Road had beef, lol. I’ve found that the Impossible and Beyond meats bother my stomach. I feel nauseous for the rest of the night. :confused:

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Lots of chemicals & heavy processing. I can’t eat that vegan “cheeze”, it’s like I swallowed a gremlin :japanese_ogre:

Did you try that walnut crumble recipe of Rob’s? It’s so tasty & didn’t hurt any IBS bellies over here.

Is that with the chickpeas that you posted with taco salad? Or a new one? Doesn’t really matter, I’ll try either way!


Does anywhere by you sell Upton’s brand? I don’t like most fake meats (impossible and beyond freak me out) and much prefer spiced seitan like this Upton’s chorizo crumbles. Trader Joe’s also has a “beef-less ground beef” that I like. Before I found the Upton’s chorizo seitan, I always used TVP for making tacos.

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This one! it’s so good.

Yes! Thank you @Magpie - that recipe is baked, too. I think that’s the way to go.

@photojenn - I haven’t seen Upton stuff near me, but I haven’t really looked. I’ll keep an eye out!


I know Beyond Meat’s packaging here carries a warning that it may cause digestive issues for some people, since it contains pea protein and people may need some time to get used to that. I don’t eat these kind fake meats a lot but I do eat them now and then, and so far I’ve been lucky and haven’t experienced any issues.

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Oh that makes so much sense! We had food sensitivity testing & peas scored high for all of us. Turns out, they are pretty inflammatory as bad as deep-frying.

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If you want to and your GI can handle it, Jill McKeever’s (sp?) Game-changing Queso is delicious. It’s oatmeal-based (so a less expensive loss than some if folks don’t like it) and has been gobbled up by omnis over here!


It’s very strange because Impossible bothers me just as much and it’s soy-based. I eat lots of soy from other sources and am no stranger to processed foods unfortunately. Before this experience I would have said I had an iron constitution! :laughing: :woman_shrugging:

The fake meat was really just a compromise with Mr. Road so I could make at least some dinners we would both eat without complaint. It’s just a little more complicated now lol. But we weren’t eating it that much anyway. Only a handful of times, but enough for me to consistently notice my yucky stomach.


Oh dear, raw oats tear me up inside almost as much as peas.
I used to think I had an iron stomach when I was young. Whatever I carelessly did to myself over those years has ended up making me very sensitive now! The best diet I ever followed was raw vegan for a few years. Until the protein, iron, & B12 deficiencies happened. For digestion though, it was so simple, it was really the best.

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Hmm. Interesting. I do love oatmilk…wonder if I’d find this is similar?

Ooo. Bummer @Magpie. I love oats!


They are fine if cooked, I like them & they’re locally grown too!


I know people were complaining about Beyond and Impossible products, but they actually work pretty well for me. When I was still getting Blue Apron boxes, I often chose the Beyond Burger recipe in my quest to make more vegetarian options. What I liked about BA’s Beyond Burger recipes was that they made interesting and creative burgers with them. They’d have you make caramelized onions and send aged white cheddar and spicy mustard. The recipes reminded me of the indulgent fancy burgers you get at trendy restaurants, but in a much more normal serving size of 4oz, that didn’t leave you feeling gross afterwards. One week the patties were missing from my BA box, so I went to pick some up at Kroger, but all they had were Impossible burgers. I was hooked. The Beyond were good enough topped with good other ingredients, but the Impossible were amazing for me. Since then I cook them about twice a month.

Then Abbee shared a recipe in this thread for Korean BBQ Impossible Tacos, and they were a huge hit with both me and my husband. Jim even forgets they are vegetarian sometimes. Last time I made them he asked if I had cooked bison, ‘because that wasn’t as fatty or knorbly enough to be beef’. (Sorry, knorbly is not a typo, it’s a word a former roommate used to describe the texture of less good meats. Sort of gristly, bad chewy and unpleasant, rolled into one weird word.) So those tacos get made 1-2 times per month too.

Then last night I tried Impossible’s new Spicy Sausage, aka their version of Italian Sausage. I didn’t go out of my way to find it, but Imperfect Foods sent me a package by mistake, so I wanted to use it. I’ve tried several varieties of vegan or vegetarian sausage, and this was hands down the best I’ve ever tried. The flavor was indeed a spicy Italian (definitely hotter than Mild, but not as hot as Spicy/Hot Italian). The color was appetizing, and it browed up beautifully in my skillet. The texture was great. It wasn’t identical to pork sausage, but I kind of liked it better, because pork sausage can sometimes be ‘knorbly’. I made a riff on the recipe below, but substituted oven roasted gnocchi instead of pasta

The heat did creep up on us a bit over the course of the meal, but I still really liked it, and I can see how it would work really well to fool carnivores on something like pizza, where you break up the sausage into small bits anyways.


That’s awesome. Mr. Road would totally, happily continue eating both, lol. He would also probably love the sausage…I’ll have to tell him and my BIL about it!

This is the last recipe I made with the Impossible beef. Mr. Road and my BIL loved it, lol.

It’s disappointing that my stomach does not approve. :confused:




Yes! I love this! We need this!!

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Last night we were watching a cooking show that was all about fire, lots of delicious looking bbq but my gosh, nobody needs to eat enormous slabs of charred creature like that. A serving is the size of a deck of playing cards! Honestly, we’re in planetary distress because hoomans are so greedy & over-indulgent. It isn’t reasonable.


Successful dinner tonight!

Cheesy baked lentils.