Honey Oat Whole Wheat Pullman Bread

Though, it needs a tiny bit more sweetness, overall it’s really really good. I will definitely want to make this more often.

My recipe (modified from this recipe : Honey Wheat Oat Flour Bread Machine Bread.

  • 3/4 c. Milk
  • 1 c. Water (Next time I’ll use 3/4 c. instead of 1)
  • 2+1/4 tsp. yeast
  • 4 Tbls. Honey (Next time I’ll up this to 6 Tbls).
    Heat liquids til about 95f (35c), then mix in honey, then yeast. Let stand for 10 minutes.

Sift together

  • 1+1/2 tsp. Salt
  • 1 c. Oat flour
  • 1+1/2 c. Whole wheat flour
  • 1+1/2 c. Bread flour or all purpose flour

Mix in half the flour mixture into the yeast mixture, then add 4 Tbls. Melted butter. Mix til smooth, then add rest of flour. Knead for about 10 minutes.

Roll around in a little oil, cover and let stand til double (about 1+1/2 hours). Form into a 13x4x4 pullman pan, and cover, let rise til about 1 inch from the top. Preheat oven to 375, when oven is fully heated, bake for 35 minutes, or until golden brown. (For a darker crust, remove lid to pullman pan about 8 minutes til finished).


The Italian roll is made from my pullman recipe. With the milk replaced with water, butter replaced with olive oil, and the water increased by 1/4 c + 2 Tbls. Sugar cut to only 1 Tbls. Then after it had finished its second raise, I basted olive oil over them, and sprinkled salt and a little thyme before baking.


I bet this made the house smell delicious!

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This looks so tasty. I think I may need one of these pans to play with.

Mmm. Sounds amazing and looks legit!

Is there anything better than fresh baked bread? Yum.

In my opinion, Cheesecake, rhubarb pie, a stick of pepperoni, soft black licorice, blueberries, and fresh made coffee are sitting right along side fresh baked bread. :grin:

I am surprised as to how much I like cooking with it. Other than that one time, it has never stuck to the pan, so it has been easy to clean (Which, I may go a little overboard with cleaning anyway. The oils might protect the pan like with cast iron, and if I use it enough, it may, just possibly, season a non-stick surface on it, :no_mouth: :thinking:. It’s just shortening and olive oil after all).

Anyway, I am going to start trying to remember this, 10 Reasons Your Homemade Bread Is Too Crumbly . As I want to test things out and try to get a better crumb. (Woops! Should have read that link before posting…I keep forgetting 01 is the one thing I’m trying to cut down on…So I may not be able to get a better crumb).