Hoot wrote the book of luv?

I made, changed, tossed, brought back, changed and finally happy, I think.

These are for the 2024 show. They are made with small yarn pom-poms. About 15 on each side.

My personal icing was that I remembered that I had 20+ vintage ties stored some where…
The beaks are cut from the narrow end and are already pointed. The end that shows when a man wears a vintage tie is about 4". I prolly could have made the whole owl from that end, lol.

Honest critique is needed. A little feel good but mostly opinions.

What else could I use for the back part of the eyes?
I made some felt wings that almost blow but other than more yarn like the left one and their tales, I’m open
Anything you’d add/change?



I like them and would only ask if you considered what a female version would look like?

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Very cute! Making the beaks with the ties is so clever. My favorites are the flower eyes. Would fabric yoyos work for their eyes, too?


Oh, yo-yos are also a good idea! The flower eyes are my favorites, also. If you crochet, you could crochet the eyes (and wings?) These owls are cute!

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Yo-yo’s are a great idea. My favorite is the top one with flower eyes, too. Maybe make the beak a little shorter? Maybe? I am not sure. And I like the felt wings. it looks like the owl is giving itself a cozy hug. :blush:

I love them as-is! The button eyes are probably may favorite little detail.

If you want to make some in variety, maybe some could have tie wings (since you have so many ties available)?

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The flower eyes with buttons are my faves. I like the felt wings and the notion of using ties for the wings is also intriguing.

Your owls are adorable! I think I like the one on the right with the blue button/flower eyes best.

Since you asked for suggestions - maybe it would be fun to experiment with the beaks? you could try making them a bit shorter and folding/gathering them at the top?

I also echo the suggestions to try tie fabric wings, that could be awesome, vintage ties have such cool patterns.

These are really neat and very original! For a suggestion, but this is honestly personal preference for myself, I’d put some kind of black dot/circle for pupils int the centre of the eyes for the one on the left (brown eyes with yellow inside). For the one at the bottom, I’d make the wings a little bigger or fluffier. The colour of the wings is blending in a little with the main portion.

I love the one on the top; the eyes that pop up are just so cute. It’s my favourite.

Thanks for your suggestions. I have literally thousands of buttons with only 1 gross attempt at yellow. I wanted that color badly, lol. Walmart and Hobby Lobby didn’t have ner one either. I almost bought some of those “animal eyes” at HL. I may have to revisit that temptation when I get the owl calling again. Wings are back on my thinking table.

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