Howdy! Enjoy my cookies

Aw thanks so much!! I’m sure as artists we’re all hyper critical of our projects, so that comment just warmed my heart :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It looks like a beautiful tile! Or a custom piece of stained glass.
I can’t believe it’s really a cookie! :astonished:

Also, :star: WELCOME TO LC! :star:


This is so beautiful!! I can’t believe it’s edible too, wow!


Gorgeous art cookie! Welcome to LettuceCraft! This is a very active craft forum site. When I was a teen I made a recipe called Stained Glass Sugar Cookies. They had colored egg white glazes and were very pretty. They were not, however, detailed like yours and did not have imitation leading. See you around! :wave:t4:

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Wow!!! When I saw this picture at the top of the page, I thought it was an actual stained glass panel! I can’t believe it’s a cookie! It’s amazing! I love all the colours, the theme, how realistic it looks. I’m not sure I could bring myself to eat it, lol! The art is too beautiful!


Right there with you; I couldn’t bring myself to eat this one either! Most of my content cookies (ones made for no reason other than the creative outlet that I post on social media) take hours and hours to create, and I save them with the intent to preserve them.


Content cookies, ha! I love that term.


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