Inchie Dice Swap Gallery

I received fabulous 70’s music dice from @Renstar. I’m still chuckling - you totally nailed it! (By the way, 5 days from the UK to San Francisco! Wow! I can only hope my package is as speedy.)

I will load photos asap.


That is amazing travel time!! I’m so happy they have arrived and I look forward to pictures because stupidly, I didn’t take any

I loved this theme, it was the one that stood out to me but it was still challenging, especially the people (kung Fu fighting & staying alive)

Then, I was happy to take inspiration from kwality on the monster mash, but do you know how tough it is to draw a cute monster???

Another great swap!


And my dice arrived today from @Smmarrt :grinning:

I’ve been totally spoilt, not only did I receive Yoga poses, I also received happy words. And a spare set of inchies on their own to make more or use as I choose and some wooden eggs. Now to figure how to decorate them!!



These dice are so cute! They remind me of Rory’s Story Cubes.

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My dice arrived from @thanate today and they are gorgeous, thank you. Will add pics as soon as possible :smiley:


Clearly it was the day for dice delivery, as mine from @seeuudee got here today also, and they’re excellent!

Now with PHOTOS!!!


I received these amazing dice from @geekgirl last week. They are beautiful! Just look at these gorgeous artworks! The shapes are awesome but look at those backgrounds. They’re magical.


Nice @geekgirl, like the bright colors and great overall design.

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I received from @Renstar. A pair of 70’s music inchie dice that totally ROCK!

And yay! Adding photos! Thanks Ren!

And bonus points if you guess all of the songs…Everyone was Kung Fu fighting! :notes::musical_note::guitar:


I absolutely love the fact that everyone’s style is showing through their dice! The variety of imagery, style, and subjects is so much fun. Thank you so much for hosting @geekgirl


@geekgirl - Love your style and the backgrounds are amazing, especially on the Shine star. That’s my favorite one. I love how bright the houses are. Great green!

@Renstar - that big smiling sun is making me smile! I adore it! The let it Bee is also clever. Great dice all the way around.

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I love these, well done @Renstar! When I look at each one I can’t help but start singing the songs in my head.


(in case people missed it, I added photos to my earlier post.)


Thank you! Yes, I did miss it! @seeuudee I love the way the mapping and ancient animals look on your dice. The crazy part is that I love the actual dice so much. You didn’t paint them a flat color. I love the texture and look of them. They look like a found artifact. Very cool.


I missed it too! They look so perfectly antiqued like real relics just uncovered. So cool!


Thank you both, both themes felt wrong with a flat colour as a background :smiley:

@thanate - have you found the cave painting dice’s secret yet?

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Yay for photos being back :smiley:

First up from @Renstar

And from @thanate

I love them all - they are sitting on my desk and I keep picking them up and spinning through the sides. Thank you both :kissing_heart:


Wow y’all! I’m so sorry that I have been silent in this gallery. I totally missed it. I don’t know why I was looking at the main page for them all this time. Wth?!?!

I love how each set is so different. Each one so clever and inspiring. If there is another round I’ll be using all of them as reference and ideas for sure!


I recd from @JoyfulClover Two sets! :hugs:

I supplied her with a set of words that would inspire reflection and conversation. Kinda like a set of oracle or tarot cards with thoughtful symbolism. She nailed it!

The symbolism is spot on for me. Easy enough to interpret and significant enough to get you thinking.

And the backgrounds?! They look like marble. Really lovely. You must tell me how you did it!

I love them. Already used them. Even my therapist was in awe. He had me throw a couple rounds to see how they worked. It was so fun!
Thanks JC! :heart:


Everyone’s dice look so awesome!!

What I’m loving as well, is that the colours used to paint the dice are so varied. It makes everything so individual.
I need to get some photos uploaded now they are back working :smiley:

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