Is anyone growing veggies?

Thanks! I’ll have to give it a try, for sure. Maybe it will be the gateway recipe :slight_smile:

I didn’t plant zucchini this year, but next year I might have to plant at least one.

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Well, the only thing we have left growing is okra. It’s been very productive.

Our pumpkin patch trial started off strong, but I think a mixture of hot weather and heavy rains affected it too much.

It’s done.

We started off with the possibility of at least 6 pumpkins. We are down to 3.

Sadly, the bugs that like pumpkins, cucumbers, and the like have found and attacked our tiny pumpkins, too.

I went ahead and pulled them all off the vine (one already was), and moved them to the step in front of my house for now.

The middle one I’m afraid will rot from the top, but for now, this is it and we’ll see how they do.


Good job on growing pumpkins! Around here, you have to have a commercial pesticide license to keep those bugs away.


Really? Wow, that’s serious stuff!

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I know, right?? That is from my years (and years) of trying to grow just one here and begging my Farmer’s Market booth neighbor pumpkin farmer for his secrets.


Oh no! Now I’m worried for my pumpkin patch. I’ve seriously neglected it, so I’ll have to check on it on Tuesday. But, at least you got 3!


I removed 3 of my 4 zucchini plants today. They were starting to die and haven’t produced anything this year. The last one has magically started to grow and I picked 3 this week, basically doubling this year’s harvest!

I’ve never managed to grow any pumpkins so I’m impressed by your 3 @Lynx !


I took down the cucumber vines today, mildew and weather did them in. The beans have been so productive this year that we are beaned out. The rest can just mature and turn into dry beans.

The potato tops died back, not unusual this time of year, but I think the flooded back yard and still quite wet soil did them in. The potatoes seem ok and should be fine until I have time to harvest.

Ack, the bunnies ate my fall plantings. Peas, carrots, and kolhrabi. Those little hungry critters are fast.

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Curses to the bunnies! As cute as they are, they are bad for the garden!

I have a question about the beans… what varieties do you plant that make good dried beans? I really like beans- fresh and dried- and next year, would love to grow a bunch to save.

My cucumber plant was a total bust, too. I was really hoping for some pickling cukes!

My peppers are getting larger (baby peppers are so cute!), and I’ll have a bunch of tomatoes soon. I planted a “Green Tomato” variety that someone gave me as a start. How do I know when they’re ripe?

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I finally harvested tomatoes! Six cherry tomatoes that were so delicious!

I have a lot more just about ready (I need to Google the green tomato variety- they could be ready). I also have slow growing peppers, and I just spotted damage on one. I also spotted earwigs… so, next year I’ll be ready with some bug control!


Nothing like garden fresh tomatoes! I harvested horseradish yesterday and jarred up some grated root. That went into a roasted beet salad. So good!

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how beautiful your gardens are! I like gardening but sometimes) I can’t imagine that I should manage my garden everyday. I’m satisfied that my mum has it and sometimes I help her


I am realizing I am a fairly hands off gardener, which probably isn’t the best thing. But, I still got tomatoes.


Welcome everyone to the new gardening season!!!

This weekend I’m going to organize my seeds and make a plan for the new season. With all the uncertainty going on in the Ukraine, we both feel like we should get organized and get a good sized garden in asap. Last year we had a cold, wet summer and our harvest wasn’t spectacular.

Seeds are still hard to get here so I’m trying to use what I have or maybe trade with my in-laws. My in-laws are big gardeners too, but they’re just a little too far away to swap produce with regularly. I have a few coworkers with gardens though, so I hope to be able to set up a little swap at work. Last year a generous coworker shared tons of apples with the whole department. I’m afraid the produce swap would just result in a dozen coworkers forcing zucchini on everyone though :laughing:


So, I officially stated gardening season 2022!

I planted 24 onions (from sets, which I think is the right word in English). So that’s one thing in the ground. There is already a lot of garlic that I planted in the autumn, plus we have strawberries and grapes. Right now I’m planning to plant the following veggies:

  • sweetcorn
  • beans and tomatoes
  • squash and zucchini (I have seeds for two types of both)

I also want to grow some herbs and I want to set up maybe a few more containers for carrots, beets and leafy greens.


@Immaculata, that sounds great! I am planning things out, though we still have an inch or so of snow on the ground. I have a veggie garden and multiple flower gardens in my yard, but we also applied to get a plot at our town’s community garden. We don’t really have the space to grow corn here, and we really want to get some going this summer.

I opened my potato drawer in my kitchen and found several “specimens” that grew LOTS of roots, so I think we’ll be good on the potato front this year! We grow those in containers and they do really well. Fewer bugs and easier to harvest.


Hey all I’m a newbie to gardening. We have a big yard which is a good thing but also overwhelming to me. I’ve been thinking of what I want to grow mainly veggies and herbs.
We aren’t into tomatoes which I think is blasphemous living in the southeast USA


I have several rhubarb plants that were in pots all last year so I finally put them in the ground this week. They should be much happier this year.


Looks good! I have some rhubarb seeds that I meant to sow last year but I didn’t get around to that. Thanks for reminding me!

I sowed basil and tomatoes on the window sill last week and they’re sprouting. I also sowed some lettuce and pak choi directly in the ground, but the weather has been a bit odd (very warm, then very cold for the time of the year) so those aren’t sprouting yet.

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I am hoping to start a small garden with my daughter this year. Some easy-peasy containers and a plot of larger things. I’d love a lettuce table, too, but we’ll see.

Now to see if I get my act together in time!