January 2, 2020 - Announcing Founding Members

I think they all are defaulted to “US only,” (so customers in other countries would get the message that says “Does not ship to —”). That’s so the donors aren’t stuck with unexpected ridiculous shipping.

I know there’s been a few hiccups with the free shipping listings (weirdly eBay doesn’t let you offer free shipping for international purchases so you have to set it to $0.50 for the shipping charge but then we reduce the cost of the item by 0.50 so you’re not paying for shipping really), but again, check with MJ and she’ll let you know what is possible. I know we’re trying to make the sale as equal opportunity for everyone as possible while not breaking the bank on shipping for the donors.

Thank you! I will message her now

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We are definitely exploring other revenue options and will keep you posted.


I just contacted the donor and offered her my business postage account to mail it to you, Koreena…I can write it off on my taxes…ha ha ha


Just a quick note – Jennie is out for the evening, but she will reply to all emails tomorrow! :slight_smile: Be sure to give her some time to get back to you. Thank you, thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have a lot more blanks for bracelets and I have necklace stuff coming. I will definitely have more available.


I love this garage sale. It’s like a real life “shop the swap” and it is so fun!



Thanks for continuing to offer these…and I’m excited at the prospect of getting one!


Hey gang! I started a praise/conversation thread for the garage sale. Let’s keep this one focused on founding members. Thanks!
Check out the thread: A Big Thank You for the Garage Sale


I feel so special! But mostly, I’m just so insanely happy that my huge crafty family is back together, and that the most magical of the unicorns (you know who I mean) worked so hard and so wonderfully fast to get us a new, amazing home. :heart:


Love the new site, and have barely scratched the surface. Is there a way to directly donate to the cause (sorry if this has been already answered but I am at my reading limit for my poor concussed brain for the night). Thanks


Hi @Kjlutz, I’ll PM you with the email for info to donate directly :wink:


Is there info on this site for eBay donations and the PayPal donation. Or is it someplace else? There have been so many new posts that I can’t remember where I’ve found everything. I am almost done with a crocheted unicorn I’d like to offer for the garage sale :slight_smile:


Hi @storerboughtcreation! I’m PMing you with info on donations! :wink:


Katie!! I just wanted to say I’m so happy to see you here. I feel like I’m always connecting with you on the FB page. Love having you here now. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Could you PM me with the PayPal donation info as well?

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@photojenn, see this thread for info for now and PM @MistressJennie to let her know you are interested :slight_smile:

Oh my - thanks! Absolutely thanks to Mistress Jennie for organizing that auction - I can’t imagine organizing all that and I was late to the game - it sounds like I missed dozens on dozens of other auctioned items!


Should I message @MistressJennie about PayPal?