Watching YouTube I came across this woman doing phenograms, I had never heard of them before, they are an old observational method. Often used in natural history.
I committed to doing one month. This is actually the first thing I’ve done, like a 30 day challenge, that I’ve actually finished. Watercolour is not my metier, but I thought it could only improve my skills. However, I discovered that even if you do a crappy day, the entire effect is lovely.
My theme was things against the sky, there were a couple of days when it was dark and I had forgotten to take a photo, so I painted the night sky.
I saw that video, too! I love the way they look, your theme is fantastic and the art came out beautifully. This such a good daily exercise and great recordkeeping/memento!
This is SO cool! And I think your watercolors look great. It’s hard to get any sort of detail on that small of a size but you can clearly make out the scenes. So you think you’ll do another phenogram?
I don’t think so, because now that I’ve tidied everything away, I have a clear desk. We’ve also been given our college project, so I’m going to have to spend some time on that-after I’ve finished the three (!) quilts I want to get done this weekend
I googled phenology wheel and came up with a variety of results. My favorite (other than yours, of course ) is this embroidered version. It makes me wish I did hand embroidery! It also has me thinking that I like the idea of doing a yearly one with a single slice for each month .