January Phenogram

Watching YouTube I came across this woman doing phenograms, I had never heard of them before, they are an old observational method. Often used in natural history.

I committed to doing one month. This is actually the first thing I’ve done, like a 30 day challenge, that I’ve actually finished. Watercolour is not my metier, but I thought it could only improve my skills. However, I discovered that even if you do a crappy day, the entire effect is lovely.

My theme was things against the sky, there were a couple of days when it was dark and I had forgotten to take a photo, so I painted the night sky.

These are some close ups.

Cat tax, Luna lives outside, but she was trying the Vulcan mind meld on me, to convince me that she has never been fed in her entire life, ever.


Pretty! This is such a fun idea.

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Your is gorgeous and I am now super intrigued about phenograms. Hmmmmm.


This is awesome!

(and Luna is adorable!)

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Another rabbit hole!

Your January is lovely.


Wow! I love this! What a fun and beautiful way to document a little slice of each day. And what a great way to improve your skills!

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This is absolutely stunning my friend! I love it.

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I saw that video, too! I love the way they look, your theme is fantastic and the art came out beautifully. This such a good daily exercise and great recordkeeping/memento!

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This is SO cool! And I think your watercolors look great. It’s hard to get any sort of detail on that small of a size but you can clearly make out the scenes. So you think you’ll do another phenogram?

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How intriguing!

This turned out really cool!

Turned out so great! What a fabulous project. I’m feeling very unmotivated lately but this is doable for Feb thing-a-day… hm…


I don’t think so, because now that I’ve tidied everything away, I have a clear desk. We’ve also been given our college project, so I’m going to have to spend some time on that-after I’ve finished the three (!) quilts I want to get done this weekend


Gorgeous! I love this idea. Even just a snippet from a magazine or drawing from each day. So cool. I’m definitely intrigued.

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Ooh, I do like the idea of a snippet each day.

I googled phenology wheel and came up with a variety of results. My favorite (other than yours, of course :wink:) is this embroidered version. It makes me wish I did hand embroidery! It also has me thinking that I like the idea of doing a yearly one with a single slice for each month :thinking:.

I like the idea of a yearly one. Mine has a subtle mood tracker. Little boxes painted in a range from blue to pink

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I love this so much! The paintings are so cool and the overall look is fabulous.

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:fire: :heart_on_fire: :firecracker: Congratulations! Your craft is fire and is one of this week’s Featured Projects! :fire: :heart_on_fire: :firecracker:


Wow; this is gorgeous! I thought it was collage of photos/magazines at first, until I read the post and looked closer.

I don’t see any crappy days at all; just beautiful watercolours. I really like the background as well.

On a side note, my cat also does similar tricks, lol.