Leon’s Window - An homage to a movie and a Craftster

Finished craft:

One of my son’s all time favourite movie’s is Leon - The Professional. So with a family decision having been made to institute ‘thriftmas’ rules this past Christmas, (we decided that the bulk of our gifts from now on should be made or purchased through kijiji or other market places, antique or thrift shops etc. in an effort to reduce our consumer footprint) I knew I had to give this a shot.

On the old site, the incredible @Knickertwist posted this - https://www.craftster.org/forum/index.php?topic=433566.0 amazing project. I knew I wanted it to be bigger than a matchbox as I wanted him to be able to display it in his room. His walls are fairly lacking in art or decor.

I purchased an old wooden box with a padded insert on the top, which I cut out, and got to work. The bricks were made from egg carton which I glued down and painted.

Then I added Drydex Spackle for the grout and when it was complete I stained the grout and sealed the bricks with a matte spray finish.

I’m the worst at remembering to take pictures in progress sooooo . . . yeah . . moving along to the finished result lol

I used a miniature doll house table from the dollar store which I cut down and in half for the chest against the wall. Air dry clay for the plant pot and milk carton. A miniature from Michaels was painted for the Madonna. The glass of milk came from a little plastic piece I altered and painted the interior with a glue and paint mixture. The ‘wall paper’ on the window wall was made with textured scrap book paper which I stained with tea. (I should have taken better pics of this :woman_shrugging:t2:) Here’s a picture of the leftover paper I used.
I painted the walls with layers and variations in colour to give that ‘old chippy, too many coats in an old building look’. I think there’s more I could have done but since it will almost always be viewed from a window closed perspective I decided against making things too busy.

In the end, my son seemed very happy with it and it sits beside his monitor where he can see it as he plays his online games. I think that means it was a success. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks @Knickertwist for the inspiration to create this project! You’re the best!


This is so neat! And I love the idea of thriftmas. I will also always be a sucker for egg carton brick effect - it works every time. Fantastic!


I adore this! I especially like that the scene opens to show more of the room. So inspiring! This gives me so many ideas!:heart_eyes:


Very cool! You did an awesome job on the faux masonry wall :smiley:

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Oh my gosh, I absolutely thought knicker had posted this throw back herself until I opened up the topic for a better look. You did amazing! What an excellent miniature scene, I just love it.


Thanks ladies! There will be more miniatures and dioramas in my future. It was a fun craft project to complete.

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Thanks @Magpie, I’m a try anything kind of crafter!

So creative and such a special gift. The bricks look so real!

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It’s the first time I tried the egg carton - brick method and it worked out very well! The carton gives a nice old textured look so you’re half way there to start!

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So creative! Love it, and love the family decision to shop smarter!

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Thanks, it was a great Christmas gift exchange where everyone kept saying “I can’t believe you found that or made that for me!” I think everyone really felt like people went out of their way to make it a special Christmas and we saved money and were more planet friendly while we were at it!


So cool! I Love Leon as well, even called my own son up after it (because nobody else liked the other three names I had in mind).

I saw the matchbox room back in the day and always loved the thought of making something similar myself and seeing your larger one really makes me want to watch the movie again.

I think you put it together really well, I love the brick work! Great job with the whole thing

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The egg carton usage is inspired.

I like that movie, too. He’s a great actor and the movie was good. It’s fun you chose to recreate it.


I have never heard of this technique. definitely something I will keep in mind!


This is wonderful! I think there are just the right amount of details going on. I am unfamiliar with this movie, but am going to look it up! I also love your family’s “thriftmas” idea!

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The details in this piece are phenomenal. I love the egg carton bricks. Soooo realistic.

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The only thing you have to be aware of is using the ‘right’ side of the carton to face outwards. Egg cartons are made from pressed paper pulp, so one side often has a light weave or pattern effect pressed into. The opposite side makes perfect brick texture though!


This is the coolest thing ever! Seriously awesome. You did a great job.

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First I love the idea of thriftmas! This is freaking fantastic, love the brick and the fact that it opens.

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I love this so much! Great job!!

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