Lettuce Craft Stitchalong 2023

Cool theme!


Love it!!

Great theme!!

Hope I will get something done this month, the days are going fast!


Just a little reminder as we head into the holidays: please donā€™t forget LC this year! We enjoy this place for all the fun swaps, inspirational craftalongs, and incredible inspirations. We have formed some lasting and amazing friendships. And we have done it cost-free. Please think about giving to show your support and love for this great community! Letā€™s keep this Craftalong going for years to come!


The unexpected element is stitching on paper.


This is so cool!!

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These leaves are so pretty!! Love the muted colours too.

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:sewing_needle: :thread: :sewing_needle: :thread: Announcement Time :sewing_needle: :thread: :sewing_needle: :thread:

Itā€™s December 1st! What?? Our Elf on the Shelf came today (:roll_eyes:) and the advent calendars have started here. What December traditions have you started or are looking forward to? Anyone have any stitching on their holiday list?

The winner this month is easy. :smile: We had one participant with a qualifying stitchā€¦ @steiconi!!! Congrats! You get to select our theme for December!

Remember we have our last quarterly drawing of the year at the end of this month! Get your stitches in!!

As a side note, how are people feeling about the stitchalong for 2024? Anything youā€™d like to change/remove/add? Do we still like the quarterly drawings? The monthly winners? I welcome any and all thoughts. :blush:


I started this just to have something to do at meetings and in the evenings. Iā€™m not much for consitent.stiches :crazy_face: I drew the design on dissolvable stuff and some of the ink stained a bit. Did I grab the wrong pen at some point?

I do like it and now need to decide on what it will become.


Gorgeous stitching!!! Wow!

So the stitching is on top of the lines or a mix of both? It is lovely!

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I think ā€œArtistā€™s Choiceā€ would be good for this busy time. Whatever you can find time for!




Iā€™ve really enjoyed seeing what others have stitched, but I havenā€™t been able to participate as often as I wanted to. It turns out that I frequently plan my projects ahead of time and often simply donā€™t have enough spare crafting time to fit in ad-hoc projects. But Iā€™ve really enjoyed participating in the months that I did! I love the idea of having to figure something out related to a monthly theme.


The November theme was a great one - I had so many ideas - but I completely failed to get any stitching done! Just too many things going on I suppose. I will keep persevering though :smile:

I love that piece @marionberries, itā€™s gorgeous!! Makes me want to try a similar technique.

I enjoy the stitchalong and I donā€™t have any suggestions for changes. Unless you want to add in some kind of time vortex arrangement where we can access a few extra days in each month for stitching?


I seriously wish!! :laughing:


Maybe we can do some small daily stitching projects, sort of like Thing a Day in Februaryā€¦nothing has to be finishedā€¦just some slow stitching or embroidery all month long? I could come up with some daily prompts if anyone is interestedā€¦you can do all or a few of them as you like?


So funny. I have been thinking of taking over the Thing a Day craftalong in Feb since Acadian hasnā€™t been around in a while.

I donā€™t know if daily prompts would help me do more stitching or not. Iā€™m with everyone else in the group. I barely have time for the monthly prompts! Though maybe breaking it down into smaller tasks would helpā€¦idk. Maybe we try it for Jan and see how it goes?

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I really like that idea! I think I sometimes set myself too big a project/goal, and then it seems too much and I donā€™t manage it. Something small and daily that only takes a few minutes sounds like the perfect antidote for that.

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I think the monthly prompts are too easy to put off ā€œlaterā€ and for me, that never happensā€¦if you take over the Thing a Day, it would be the place to do some stitching, painting, sewing, etc. We have too many choices sometimes on LCā€¦I want to join them all and then I end up not doing any of them monthly!