Manly man knitted socks F&T 2020 Q4 Contest Entry

I figured out how to knit socks this year so I’ve been going like gangbusters making socks for xmas presents for some special people. One of them is my dad, who is very outdoorsy and loves to go for hikes. I couldn’t bear to do some boring socks in only one color (in contrast the socks I made for my mom and sister are striped with bright colors :heart::orange_heart::blue_heart:) so I took inspiration from the mountains he loves to hike in.

I’m modeling them here, but they’re a bit too big for my feet. Fingers crossed they fit him!


They look so cozy, and very manly indeed!

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Lovely use of color!

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The colors are great for manly hiking. :smiley: And I’m impressed with you just learning to knit socks this year and then completing multiple pairs!!

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I’ve only gotten brave enough for the one pattern which is a basic vanilla sock. But choosing the fun yarns to display has been great. Once I get through the sock gifts, I’ll try to challenge myself with maybe a basic lace or cable pattern. See how that goes! :sweat_smile:


They look great, the yarn is gorgeous. And I love that it’s not boring like most men’s socks!

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i love those colours together. vanilla socks are my favourite to knit when i’m watching a movie or whatever…i dont have to worry about missing some crucial pattern detail that i then have to go back and fix when i figure it out a million rounds later…


Love the colors!

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Haha, yeah they’re mostly easy to zone out to. Except at the increase and decrease points. I have a hard time keeping track of the inc/dec rounds and the regular rounds if I get distracted. I know I should be able to tell by looking at the stitches of the previous round but I haven’t quite mastered that. Instead I just endlessly count the stitches left on the needle lol.


These are really special; love the colors you chose.

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These are great! Love the manly colors.

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