May I help you? Buttons

The priest at my church celebrated 50 years of ordination (priesthood) this year. I was part of the comittee that planned the celebration event, and I really enjoyed the experience.

The committee was discussing wearing something that could make us easily identifiable on the day of the event, so people could come to us if they needed anything. We have a button press at the library that we can use for free, and I’ve been looking for an excuse to order buttons. So I offered to make us these.

The nice part is that we’ll be able to reuse them for other events.

Thanks for looking!


Clever, helpful, and reusable! You hit the trifecta! They look great and I bet it was fun to use the button machine.

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Great job! More churches need these for when visitors attend.

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That was a great idea! They turned out great. :blush:

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Smart!!! It’s a great way to be identified as someone who could help and answer questions!

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