Meal Prepalong

All week we’ve been reaching into the freezer for serving sized containers of cooked ground beef & chicken & a few meals have contained dehydrated veggies, they are just fine in dishes. We’ll be doing more of that.

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Isn’t it so convenient?!

Dehydrated sweet potato, russets, tomato, corn, carrot, & butternut squash. The machine is full of tri-colour carrots & corn. Tomorrow we’ll do more carrot, sweet & white potato. It’s all good for soup, stew, etc, great camping or emergency provisions.


Ok, that photo should be in a magazine. I have heart eyes! :heart_eyes:


What’s the texture like on the butternut squash? :slight_smile:

I didn’t meal prep for this week like I usually do, because of the social distancing, but I’m already regretting it. I think I’ll freezer dive tomorrow to make myself some veggie & beef soup. :slight_smile:


Gorgeous picture! I should get my dehydrator out …

Me, either! And I, too, am regretting it. I’ll make some soup tomorrow as well - great idea!

It was very juicy so it’s dried quite crisp, like I can easily crush/snap the pieces. But it’s also dense & chewy as-is. I confess to having tried a dry piece of everything, it’s all good except for the white potatoes which are like stones, ha! We have cooked with those so far but nothing else. It’s what dried ministrone soup mix is comprised of though so I know what to expect in terms of taste & texture. No peppers, I don’t like how overwhelming their flavour gets.

I havent done anything yet to prep but tomorrow i think I might make time to put some future crockpot meals together to freeze and then write up the mealplan for the rest of the month. Whatever supplies I have in house will have to do for now.

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The man was talking about canning tomato this year & asked how much we’d need. When I said the pantry full he could not even believe it but I know how much a year’s worth of preserves looks like and for a family of 5, it is a lot. I feel quite unprepared.


I’ve already caught myself eating junk, so I made a batch of curried lentil and veggie stew for my lunches. :blush:


Looks delish! Lentils are awesome :slight_smile:

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I copied @Bajita and made lentil soup - but I added gnocchi to mine! So yummy!

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I love gnocchi! I might have to make some chicken & gnocchi soup! YUM!

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Oh man, that is a great idea. I love soup & I love gnocchi but one is not filling enough & the other is way too filling. That’s a great combo. I’m totally making some gnocchi this weekend!

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Whoa…MAKE gnocchi? Please share your recipe!

Oh, it’s so easy! There are thousands of recipes out there for all sorts of flavours. This one looks good.

I like using sweet potato myself, Pinch Of Yum has video tutorials.

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I’ve never had sweet potato gnocchi. It has to be amazing! I love all things sweet potato, except that marshmallow topped casserole, which is too sweet for me.

I did a lot of meal prepping for the first time in a long time. I made breakfasts for the week. I baked a bunch of bacon and froze it. I boiled some eggs. I made up a bunch of chicken meatballs and froze them. I cut up a bunch of veggies and salad items and made a big batch of the halal cart-style chicken that Abberoad had posted.


The only thing I’ve been prepping lately is ribbon salad.

Carrot, beets, jicima sliced super thin with a veggie peeler, usually cukes too but we were out. This time, peppers knife cut thin. I toss a handful with washed greens & lemon dijon vinaigrette for lunch & as a dinner side. The texture of the veg like that is just so fabulousmouthfeel. I love it.

One of each sort of veg is good for 2 of us for about 4 days.