This is not my most complicated baking project but I was hungry and getting over COVID, so I made banana bread…
First of all, the back story on my oven:
I have Celiac’s disease and I grew up among make from scratch foodies, so I am pretty dang picky and I don’t like most of the gluten-free options at the grocery store. Just a waste of money and materials, IMO.
My husband and I are living in a converted school bus while we build a house and it has no oven. This finally drove me totally crazy at Thanksgiving and my very handy and wonderful husband built me a wood fired oven out of rocks and clay. It actually works really well. The chimney doubles as a cooking “burner” which will be amazing in the summer when the bus turns into a sweltering tin can on wheels.
Right before I got sick I was making gluten-free focaccia and had made several batches of cookies, but I am trying to not post last year’s projects. This was a pretty huge feat after having COVID for a week and a half.
“Monster” because somehow I overfilled the pan and it was oozing out as it baked and rose. I may have done something wrong there but it turned out delicious so it’s ok.
That oven looks amazing and so functional.
I am gluten sensitive and eating gluten free has helped my joint pain so much. Baking gf goodies has been a treat and I’ve adaped many recipes.
And depending on the crowd at gatherings, I don’t always announce that something is gf only informing those who need to know. Otherwise people will think those cookies will taste bad.
I make and freeze banana, pumpkin or zucchini bread, and unbaked cookie balls for a quick treat or emergency potluck needs.
Lol… So, I was only mostly coherent as I was putting the batter together and then I poured it into the bread pan and said aloud “Woah!” as I noticed how full it was. And then I put it in the oven anyway. Still not sure what I did wrong. I was laughing as I watched it rise over the sides because what else could I do? Lol…
This is the coolest oven story ever! You and your husband sound so adventurous, I love it. That banana bread looks incredible! Can’t wait to see more of your posts.
I haven’t tried pizza in this oven yet. We used to make gluten-free pizza in a regular oven before we sold our house though. We actually broke our pizza stone while we were testing out the rock and clay oven, so eventually we’ll replace it and try pizza here…
I was on Craftster (if that’s the site you mean) a loooong time ago. No clue what name I was using but may have been this one. I actually found this site while trying to find out what ever happened to that one.
We baked our pizza right on the floor, which I see you don’t have, I’d use the cast iron pan you have under the banana bread.
It was Craftster I meant, most oldies rarely use the name any more because it’s painful how it was shut down, we say the old site or deadster. I joined in 2006 and I’m sure I recognize your name, so, welcome home
I think I remember it being shut down right as I was getting very busy with our bike repair business and didn’t really keep up on what happened. Fuzzy memories. But I enjoyed the hell out of it for years before that. It’s good to be back.
Welcome back, glad you found us!
Your entire post sounds like such an adventure.
I can related to overflowing banana bread, had that happen to me in a tiny toaster oven at work once. Nothing to do but laugh as it happens (and clean up afterwards, of course).
Some of the most delicious recipes my grandma passed down are actually vegan (because in the aftermath of WWII, it was hard to get eggs and butter) and I don’t announce that except to people who need to know, because when you say you’ve got some delicious vegan cookies, people are like, meh, not today.
I actually prefer to make banana bread using olive oil, and a couple of years ago I brought a banana bread to work and my coworker thought it was so delicious, he announced he could taste I didn’t scrimp on that delicious butter!
Your banana bread looks delicious, I’m also really impressed that you guys just built an oven from scratch. I can’t wait to see your other projects!