Saw a beautiful photo of a green python and decided to to try my hand at capturing it.
and compared with the photo:
Progress pics:
Hope you like
Saw a beautiful photo of a green python and decided to to try my hand at capturing it.
and compared with the photo:
Progress pics:
Hope you like
Wow! Nice job, very lifelike!
Very cool! Amazing detail!
Great work!
Love the scales detail
It’s staring at me. Make it stop staring at me!
Creepy but well done!
I got the shivers looking at it! I am fascinated by snakes and yet, the primal fear is still there…and you captured what it is…the eyes and the reptilian “smirk”…brrrr
looks good, I love seeing your progress
Great job! The eyeball looks especially realistic with the shades you added to it. Gorgeous work!
The eye is creeping me out, which is proof of how well done this is.