Nerd Games Discussion Thread

Maybe our summer round can be the Geek Games or Geek Battle since we usually do something bigger for it? What does everyone think?


Eh, I reject the entire hierarchy; to me, all three are distinct (though not necessarily mutually exclusive) categories, not subsets of each other.

I primarily identify as a nerd, so a Geek Battle doesn’t inherently jump out at me – but I’d probably join it anyway :laughing:.


I’m not sure I agree with the definitions in this hierarchy, but I feel like I sometimes fit all three of them :smiley:


Oh geez. I forgot to create the team roster before opening the games. Sorry about that! I’m going to put it at the bottom of the game rules, aka the very first comment of the winter thread. :woman_facepalming:t3:


Team Roster and Checklist

Like I mentioned, the checklist and roster are now found at the very bottom of the first comment of the Winter Games. Below the rules. I feel like such a dodo head. :crazy_face:


Hey everyone! @storerboughtcreation wanted to have a Nerd Games Swap and asked me to organize it. We would still have to vote on it, like all the other swaps. But I wanted to let you know so you can keep tabs on it.


Cool! Thank you. I switched teams and I was wondering who was on it with me. Apparently no one. Bahaha! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


Oooh, yeah, we’ll all have to remember to vote for the Nerd Games Swap!! :slight_smile:

And I’m also hoping to craft even more this year. I have SO many things I want to make, I’ll never make a dent if I’m not crafting all the time! So far I’ve been pretty productive this year, so I’ll try to keep it up! :slight_smile:


Possible Upcoming Events?


Last year we discussed when we should do a Nerd Games swap, and agreed to wait until Winter 2021. We have to still suggest it, vote on it, and have it approved, just like any other swap. So please don’t forget to vote after swap suggestions close on January 18. @Gozer has agreed to organize the swap and has entered it for voting. You can see her post a few comments above this.


Spring season is when we agreed to hold our yearly raffle, but I’d like to do things a little different this time around.

In order to ensure we have enough prize offerings to make the raffle fun and give everyone a fair chance to win a prize, I’d like to wait to hold the raffle until we have a minimum of 10 prizes donated.

If you are interested in donating a raffle prize, please send me a PM. I will keep track of every commitment to donate. Once we have reached 10 donations, I will contact everyone to make sure they’re still able to make a donation (we all know things can change quickly. Sometimes we run out of time, sometime we’re short on cash and can’t afford shipping… life happens!), I will announce that the raffle will be held the following season (for example, we get 10 prize donations by April 2021 (during spring season). The raffle would then be held during the summer season).

Keep in mind that you don’t have to craft a physical item to offer for the raffle. Crafting supplies are often popular as well. Fabric remnants, scraps of paper, embellishments, thread, yarn, hoops… Any of those would be appreciated by someone.

So please… Message me to let me know if you have something you’d like to offer (you don’t have to tell me what it is, just that you guarantee you will be offering a future prize). Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:


I’ve already heard from several of you. We have four prize donations to go before we reach 10! So close! Thank you, everyone!


Spring Season Raffle

We already have 10 prizes donated! If you would still like to offer a prize please do so! Just send me a PM. We will hold the raffle next season, and we will accrue tickets during that season only. With the bump in free ranges, there is the potential to earn 34 tickets for the season. We may also offer a few extra ways to earn tickets. I will keep you updated :slightly_smiling_face:


If you want to join a Nerd Games swap, don’t forget to vote for the swap in this thread so it can happen!


The Nerd Games specific swap didn’t get voted through. Does anyone have an idea of something we can do this season for something simple and fun? Next season we have the raffle!

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I sent you a message, SBC!


Oh, Im so sorry, I totally missed the polls deadline! :broken_heart:

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I’ve been trying to think of something all day, but no good ideas brewing. I’m super curious what bunny’s idea is!

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@Bunny1kenobi suggested something to do with Random Acts of kindness week in February. I love the idea, I’m just not sure what we can do with that. I’m thinking with the raffle coming up next season, if you a person crafts something and donates to charity, they get five bonus raffle tickets?

I have no idea what limitations charities are putting on donations currently, but I’m sure plenty are still taking donations. I love the idea of as many of us as possible donating something to somewhere, whether for practical use (maybe backpacks to foster care programs or the Little Red Schoolhouse type projects), or a donation for a yearly raffle to help earn money (like to an animal shelter or local theatre).

Everyone else like this idea?



So far this season, we have 12 active players! A total of 47 projects have been posted, including 3 big time projects, and 1 research project!

Here is where each team stands currently:

Team Players Projects Points Average
Running with Scissors 2 12 440 220
Knotty by Nature 3 11 360 120
Paletteable Art 2 9 330 165
Bits and Bobs 5 14 490 98

Battle Royale Results:

January # Results
Blizzard 9 WINNER!
Sleet 1
February # Results
March # Results

You can find your individual tracking sheet and the team roster here

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! Craft on, Nerds! :nerd_face:


February Prompts are up!

Battle: Reduce vs Reuse!

February theme:
Eco-Friendly - More amazing prompts from @craftADDchick! Thank you so much!

  • Solar-something yellow, round, or that protects you from the elements
  • Wind- something that moves, is very light, or is transparent
  • Hydro- something that uses water, can be found around the world, or is necessary
  • Geothermal- something that uses heat, is inside of something else, or is made with natural materials
  • Biomass- something edible, green, or something that can be changed into something else

Great prompt ideas! @craftADDchick and @Smeddley!