Nerd Games - Fall 2024

Final push, part 1

Prompt: Scarecrow (October)
Team: Gourd of the Rings!
Project Name: Buffett coaster 1
Project Link: Parrothead Coasters
Brief Description: This coaster is mostly yellow.
Project Photo(s): Third coaster (“…dream on…”) in this photo

Prompt: Sweetgum (October)
Team: Gourd of the Rings!
Project Name: Buffett coaster 2
Project Link: Parrothead Coasters
Brief Description: Sweating glasses always stick to coasters.
Project Photo(s): Fourth coaster (“…tire swing”) in previous photo

Prompt: Wouldn’t It Be Nice (Advent 9)
Team: Gourd of the Rings!
Project Name: Buffett coaster 3
Project Link: Parrothead Coasters
Brief Description: This kind of art journally background reflects one of my best crafting skills.
Project Photo(s): Second coaster (“only time…”) in previous photo

Prompt: Snowblower (December Battle)
Team: Gourd of the Rings!
Project Name: Buffett coaster 4
Project Link: Parrothead Coasters
Brief Description: I had Shutterfly fabricate the actual coasters, much like snowblowing is a less labor-intensive approach.
Project Photo(s): First coaster in previous photo

Prompt: Stellar Plates (December)
Team: Gourd of the Rings!
Project Name: Gift tags
Project Link: Presidential Sweater Gift Tags
Brief Description: These are flat.
Project Photo(s):