Presidential Sweater Gift Tags

For some reason, I decided I needed to make gift tags out of some of the U.S. president flashcards I thrifted this summer. (I’m sure there was a train of thought that led me there, but I’ve forgotten it and that’s probably for the best.)

I already had a sweater template, which I modified on the fly to fit the size of my flashcards. The sleeves then got Christmas-y gelli prints and old wrapping paper. (Hayes also got some metallic paint pen when the wrapping paper tore :shushing_face:.)

I didn’t end up going this route, but at one point I considered adding googly eyes as well…

Thanks for looking!


These are funny. I am sure they got a kick out of them.


These are hilarious for reasons I can’t explain and that delights me! I have just added a dies set that came with sweater die to my cutting die stash and these have opened up a whole new world of ideas for using it.

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Thanks, friends! I have to admit I was really tickled by these.

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These are so great! But is it bad to say that I LOOOOOOVE the googly-eye version? :joy:

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