Apologies in advance for the forthcoming project dump…
Prompt: Lettuce Craft (April)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Giza ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: It round.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Birds of a Feather Flock Together/You Will Soon Meet a New Friend (May)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Grayscale ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: This coin is multicolored (barely, but still ).
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: The Clothes Make the Man/You Will Soon Get an Unexpected Makeover(May)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Princess Bride ATCoins
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: The final product coin here has a lot of green. The others less so, but still green.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Practice Makes Perfect/You Will Soon Be Rewarded for Your Hard Work and Practice (May)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Write ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: Ransom-style letters are something I’ve practiced before. In crafting only.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Knock Knock (June)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Typewriter ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: This coin is mostly brown.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Slapstick/Physical Comedy (June)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Film ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: This coin has a lot of pink.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: Free Range 1
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Libraries ATCoin
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: Really chuffed with this coin; the focal point is a temporary tattoo! That I then sealed with packing tape for permanence.
Project Photo(s):
Prompt: One-Liners (June Battle)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Found poetry ATCoins
Project Link: A Walletful of ATCoins (pic heavy)
Brief Description: These found poetry coins each have one cobbled-together line from some book text.
Project Photo(s): Here’s one example; there are a couple of others in the project post. (Let me know if I need to post them all here – I was worried I was getting photo heavy )