Nerd Games - Spring 2024

Welcome to the Nerd Games!

Runs April 1, 2024 - June 30, 2024

This is a craftalong where nerdy crafters all over the world can share our projects and give each other encouragement - that’s really all there is to it! If you feel you might be a nerd, or enjoy some nerdy things of any kind, or if you’re just nerdy about crafting, you’re more than welcome here!


Simply make any craft, take photos of it, and post them in this group with the following header, which will be explained below:

Prompt: (Write the name of the prompt you are entering your craft for here. Don’t forget to include the month!)
Team: (Choose one of three, listed below)
Project Name: (Name your craft anything you like; fanciful titles or simple labels/descriptions are all fine)
Project Link: (Paste the link to your community post for the bonus points)
Brief Description: (Tell us anything you’d like to about the craft, such as how you made it, and why it fits the prompt.)
Project Photo(s): (Post photos of your awesome craft here, so we can ooh and aah over it!)


Have more specific questions about the Nerd Games? You can find FAQs here!


There are three teams to choose from, and no requirements for joining any of them; simply choose one that speaks to you, put the team name in your first project header, and presto - you’re a member! You will remain on the same team for the entire season. You may change teams in future seasons.

  • Team Running With Scissors :running_woman:t2: :scissors:
  • Team Knotty By Nature :yarn:
  • Team Bits and Bobs :thread:


Prompts will be posted on a monthly basis in the post below. Please choose a prompt. Monthly battles are the only time sensitive prompts. The non-battle prompts are open for the entire season. See THE POINTS section below for point values and several additional crafting opportunities for each of your crafts. You can craft specifically to fit the prompts, or you can craft first and then find a prompt to fit it into. We’re pretty lax about slightly stretched interpretations of the prompts; just explain in your description how it fits!

  • Monthly prompts will close at 11:59pm Central Time on the last day of the current month.


We are trying to keep things simple, so there will only be one type of bonus point available. COMMUNITY POINTS will be given when you post a link to a post you’ve made within the Lettuce Craft community, and will be worth 20 bonus points for each project shared. Please be sure to participate in the entire community and not just in the craftalong!


This competition is just for fun and the points are for nothing more than motivation and bragging rights, but go ahead and rack up points by posting projects for you team! Points break down as follows:

  • Monthly battles and prompts: 20 points each (must take at least 30 minutes of crafting time)
  • Free Range: 20 points each (must take at least 30 minutes of crafting time. Up to six allowed per season
  • Big Time projects: 50 points each (must take at least 5 hours of crafting time. Up to three allowed per season)
  • Zaps: 10 points each (any craft that takes less than 30 minutes to make. Up to five allowed per season)
  • Research Projects: 100 points (must take at least 20 hours of crafting time. Up to two per season)
  • Bonus Points: COMMUNITY bonus points (worth 20 extra per project) are the only bonus opportunity available at this time.

Special Note:
All prompts are supposed to be crafted within the current season. However, we have decided to make an exception to this rule. Let’s say you craft something for a swap near the end of the Summer season. You’ve sent the swap package, but it hasn’t been received yet. Fall season begins, your partner has received their swap item, and you are ready to post. You may go ahead and post your project from the previous season for the current season.


  • Players must craft to the best of their abilities and have a minimum of 30 minutes of crafting time per submission, unless otherwise noted.
  • A project can only be submitted for one prompt or crafting opportunity.
  • A project does NOT have to be "nerdy,” it only has to fulfill the prompt as you see fit.
  • Submitted projects must be started and completed during the current season, unless otherwise noted.
  • There is SO MUCH to do in the Nerd Games. Do not feel like you have to craft everything. Do what inspires you.
  • We welcome all players from the Nerdyverse, no matter their Geekdom. We even welcome non-nerds!
  • We are never mean.
  • We never exclude someone.
  • We will keep it clean-ish (PG-13).
  • Never hesitate in contacting the Gamemakers (@storerboughtcreation or @Smeddley) with your questions, concerns, or ideas.

Previous Seasons:

Winter 2024
Fall 2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
Winter 2023
Fall 2022
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
Winter 2022
Fall 2021
Summer 2021
Spring 2021
Winter 2021
Fall 2020
Summer 2020
Spring 2020
Winter 2020


Team Roster and Tracking

Please post your projects with the following header:

Prompt: (Write the name of the prompt you are entering your craft for here. Don’t forget to include the month!)
Team: (Choose one of three, listed above) *
Project Name: (Name your craft anything you like; fanciful titles or simple labels/descriptions are all fine) *
Project Link: (Paste the link to your community post for the bonus points) *
Brief Description: (Tell us anything you’d like to about the craft, such as how you made it, and why it fits the prompt .)**
Project Photo(s): (Post photos of your awesome craft here, so we can ooh and aah over it!) *

  • April Battle - Dad Jokes vs Punny Business - CLOSED
  • May Battle – adage vs fortune (as in cookies)
  • June Battle – One-liners vs Storytime Jokes

April theme - April kicks off with nothing but pranks and hijinks, so we’re going to keep it going with some pretty corny, grown-worthy prompts! The theme of this month is just to have FUN! Remember, the interpretation and justification is half the creativity! :wink:

Super special thanks to @storerboughtcreation for this month’s theme and prompts! If you ever have any theme you want featured, just let me know!

  1. You’re kind of a big dill - craft something that is big, pickled, uses liquid, or is green or bumpy.
  2. Lettuce craft - craft something that is round, leafy, is used in/for the garden or vegetable patch, or encompasses what this community means to you.
  3. You’re one in a melon - craft something that is triangular/wedge shaped, red, or has stripes or speckles.
  4. Let’s taco 'bout crafts - craft something that uses at least three different parts, is spicy (or mild), or is messy (to make or use).
  5. Spread hap-pea-ness - craft something for someone else.

May Theme – the downfall of fortune cookies! This has been on my mind a lot, and lucky you, I get to pick what the prompts and can use it as my own soapbox. So many things you find in fortune cookies are no longer fortunes (“you will soon come into a free giant craft stash”), but rather pithy sayings or adages (“the early bird gets the yarn”). Adages have their place, just not in fortune cookies! The Prompts, therefore, are what tends to be in fortune cookies and how those adages SHOULD be portrayed as ACTUAL fortunes!

  1. Birds of a Feather Flock Together / You Will Soon Meet a New Friend. – Craft something that is feathery, light, multicolored, or is for a friend or made with the help of a friend.
  2. The Clothes Make the Man / You Will Soon Get an Unexpected Makeover. – Craft something that is clothing, made from cloth, or is recycled or green.
  3. Practice Makes Perfect / You Will Soon be Rewarded for Your Hard Work and Practice. – Craft something you have made before, or use a technique you’ve practiced previously, or something that is a WIP.
  4. A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss / You Will Soon be Presented a New Opportunity, Take It! – Craft something that is made of stone or plants, is for the garden, is grey, or is a new to you technique or craft.
  5. Stop and Smell the Roses / You Will Soon Have Some Restful Times, Make Good Use of It! – Craft something you just enjoy making that relaxes you.

June Theme – Jokes! We can all probably do with more humor in our lives, so what better to celebrate than jokes! Anything to make us laugh, right? The prompts all revolve around common joke themes!

  1. Knock Knock – Craft an item that is for your home, requires something to be tapped or hammered, is made of wood, or is brown.
  2. Blonde – Craft something that is beauty related, is yellow, is for your head, or is made of a lot of long, thin threads.
  3. How many… lightbulb – Craft something that has multiple parts, requires you to get help from someone else, uses electricity, or is white.
  4. Slapstick/physical comedy – Craft something that is super silly and fun, is something you wear, makes noise, or is pink/red.
  5. …walks into a bar – Craft something that uses liquid, can be consumed, is for use in the kitchen/bar, has bubbles, or is clear/see-through.

Pin Prize Collection

We’re continuing the Nerd Games enamel pin collection! Each season you’ll have the opportunity to earn up to three pins. Each pin will be different, and every season the pins offered will be different. Try to collect them all, or have fun picking and choosing ones to work toward!

This year we’ll have two pins each season based on LettuceCraft categories (Art, Home & Garden, Fashion & Wearables, Fiber & Textiles, Food & Drink, Paper & Vinyl Crafts, Crafty Shenanigans, and Swaps). The third pin offered will be random.


Food & Drink: Submit THREE projects to the Nerd Games that qualify for the Food & Drink category on Lettuce Craft. Create a separate LC post that includes a RECEIPE for at least ONE of the projects AND claim Community Bonus Points.

Paper & Vinyl: Submit THREE projects to the Nerd Games that qualify for the Paper & Vinyl category on Lettuce Craft. Create posts for the THREE projects in the appropriate boards and claim Community Bonus Points for all three projects. They DO NOT have to be three separate posts, all of the projects can be included in one post and claimed multiple times if that makes sense for your situation. (Projects do not necessarily need to be posted in the Paper & Vinyl category, they just need to qualify. Like a mixed media art piece could qualify for that category, but might also be appropriately posted in Art.)

Hanging in There: Finish and post at least ONE WIP (work in progress) or UFO (un-finished object) project this season AND post at least ONE Big Time or Research Project AND make a post for the Big Time or Research Project in the appropriate Lettuce Craft category (don’t forget to claim Community Bonus Points!). If your WIP/UFO qualifies as a Big Time/Research Project, you can use the same project to meet both criteria. You decide what WIP/UFO means for you and your crafting.

To claim your prizes:

Once you have completed the requirements, send the below submission form to LovelyMiss via private message by 11:59 pm (central) on Sunday, June 30, 2024.

Prizes will be sent after the season ends.

Pin Event Submission Form

I am claiming: (Food & Drink, Paper & Vinyl, Hanging in There)

I attest that I have completed the requirements for the Pin Event(s) I am claiming: Yes/No

My name and mailing address (as it should be formatted for sending, including country) are:


@LovelyMiss needs a title! Like “Chief Morale Officer” or something like that. :grin:

Thanks to all 3 of you lovely ladies for keeping the games fun and fresh!


I agree! If you’d like to give yourself a title, please do it! I like morale chief. Or fun sergeant. Or… okay, my brain quit on me, but anything would be awesome :sunglasses:


Aww, thanks y’all! I’ll wear a chief of morale sash as I dance around and get these pin packages ready to go out in the mail. :smiley:


Prompt: Spread hap-pea-ness
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Envelopes from book pages
Project Link: Envelopes from cool book pages
Brief Description: All envelopes I make are for someone else :slight_smile:
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: April - Spread hap-pea-ness
Team: knotty by nature
Project Name: Audrey bracelet
Project Link:
Brief Description: this was a bracelet made for my niece. It took forever. First we figured out the directions, then I had a five year old “helping” me, and we finally had to watch a video to finish.
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: April - Let’s taco 'bout crafts
Team: knotty by nature
Project Name: bff bracelet
Project Link:
Brief Description: we made this one for my nieces bff. This went faster, but not by much. And holy cow, this was super messy. Rubber bands everywhere.
Project Photo(s):


Prompt: You’re kind of a big dill (April)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Map coloring page.
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: While looking for something crafty but couch-y to do recently, I landed on coloring in the segments of a map page in my whatever journal. The sections are bumpy, at least for the purposes of this prompt :laughing: .
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: You’re one in a melon (April)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Eclipse journal page
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: To commemorate the total eclipse, I cut up my eclipse glasses and stuck them in my journal on top of some underpaper. (Note: This was before I heard about the plan to send them other places for other eclipses.) The temple sections are vaguely wedge-shaped, and the middle one flips out to reveal some journaling.
Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Zap 1
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Quickie mail art
Project Link: N/A
Brief Description: I zhuzhed up some prefab stationery pieces to send an item from the ongoing Garage Sale.
Project Photo(s):


I have been fairly non-existent around here for longer than I’d like- ever since COVID teaching started, really. Even though things are back to “normal” we’re still dealing with the effects in the classroom (academically and behaviorally) and when coupled with a new, demanding curriculum, I am wiped out at the end of the day/week. My mental capacity for almost anything creative has been at an all-time low. But, I’m trying to get it back! And, hopefully, I can maintain a presence in the Games with comments AND crafts! Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

@LindyBlues - Beautiful envelopes! It’s such a fun way to upcycle beautiful book and magazine pages! I have an envelope punch board that is collecting dust, and this reminds me that I should dig it out and put it to use!

@storerboughtcreation - What fun bracelets! I like the addition of the beads. It’s funny to see this trend come back around- it seemed to disappear for a couple of years, but it’s suddenly back! One of my students is currently working on a jump rope length chain. And yes, those rubber bands can certainly make a mess!

@megwell - I really like the oclors you chose for your map page. Coloring can be so relaxing, especially when curled up on the couch! And, I like your eclipse page (Did you see the total eclipse? If so, where?). I didn’t realize the glasses could be sent off afterwards for others to use. Good to know for the future! And, neat idea to fancy up some pre-made cards. I like the stamping on the envelope, especially!


I’m on the far NE side of Indy, although a decent chunk of Indiana was in the path of the totality. I started seeing things about drives to send the used glasses to Central/South American schools for the October eclipse. But I seem to remember at least one of my pairs indicating they should only be used for a maximum of like 3 minutes, so I’m a bit skeptical about the reusability.


I was able to catch about a minute and a half of totality in VT, which was worth the drive!

After the last US total eclipse, I read that the glasses expire, but I don’t know how long that is. But, apparently there are tests to check if they are still good. Hopefully, whoever receives them checks them before using them!


We’re happy to have you in any capacity here :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I do hope you get in more craft time for some fun and stress relief.

I think I tore my rotator cuff more two days ago. I can’t even stand to support my own arm, so I’ve been in a sling. It’s really impeding craft time. But the awesome rice packs that @LovelyMiss makes have come to the rescue and have helped quite a bit :blush:


Ugh! That’s definitely not a fun injury! Hopefully, it heals soon- I don’t know much about it, though. Hang in there, and I hope you can find crafts that you can do with limited mobility.

I remember how hard it was to craft with a broken wrist, when I couldn’t use my thumb to grip anything. At least it was my non-dominant hand!

I’m trying to remind myself that crafting is my therapy, and I really need to make time for it, even if it’s only a little bit at a time.


Prompt: April Battle- Dad Jokes
Team: *Running with scissors
Project Name: Hairy ATCoin
Project Link:
Brief Description: This ATCoin features a dad joke.
Project Photo(s): *


Prompt: Let’s taco 'bout crafts (April)
Team: Running with Scissors
Project Name: Cheese dip
Project Link: Sausage Cheese Slow-Cooker Dip
Brief Description: This dip can be spicy/mild depending on your ingredients, has three ingredients/parts, and is messy (because melted Velveeta).
Project Photo(s):


Lol, @Bunny1kenobi, that dad joke made me smile.

@megwell, that sounds like a tasty dip!

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Prompt: April Battle - Punny Business
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Sloppy Joes
Project Link:
Brief Description: Who’s feeling saucy? Joe. I guess? :sweat_smile:

Project Photo(s):

sloppy joes 24 - Copy

Prompt: April - You’re kind of a big dill
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Chicken noodle soup
Project Link:
Brief Description: Made this from scratch. It uses liquid.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: April - Lettuce craft
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Ocean and Stars
Project Link:
Brief Description: This was my original attempt at a project for the Light It Up Swap. I wanted a combo of my partner’s space (stars) and dark ocean themes, because those are also two of my very favorite things. It’s a ROUND wooden charger. I painted it, added different texture mediums to get a vibe of ocean waves and cliffs and then colored them with various media, drilled holes for fairy lights with my Dremel, and wired it. The Dremel slipped and created some issues, so that’s how we got the clouds. I dunno. It’s fine and kinda cool, just not what I wanted to send to my partner. (The project I sent is at the bottom of this post.)

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: April - You’re one in a melon
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Meat Loaf
Project Link:
Brief Description: The main ingredients are red. At least at some point. And I’d say it’s speckled with onions.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: April - Let’s taco 'bout crafts
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Birria Tacos
Project Link:
Brief Description: Couldn’t resist saving the actual tacos for this prompt. :smiley: They were messy and a little spicy. Photo is a pre and post birria soak and fry. Unfortunately, I only had flour tortillas, but they were still pretty good (if just slightly too mushy).

Project Photo(s):

birria - Copy - Copy

Prompt: April - Spread hap-pea-ness
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Strawberry sauce + banana split
Project Link:
Brief Description: My partner was craving a banana split. I turned some strawberries to a delicious strawberry sauce/syrup to go with it (and have a little bit leftover for other treats).

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Research Project
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Conference
Project Link:
Brief Description: I’m involved with a business and volunteered to put together and staff a booth at a local conference. For privacy reasons I needed to blur the logos in the pictures, which I know is weird, but I did SO MUCH work for this thing, I really wanted to submit it.

Here’s everything I did:

  • Designed/made the dandelion art graphics
  • Designed layouts for mugs and hand sanitizer holders (used as giveaways)
  • Sublimated about 60 mugs (for both mugs and hand sanitizer holders, I printed multiple wraps per sheet, hand cut all of them, and heat pressed each thing individually)
  • Sublimated about 60 hand sanitizer holders (removed the rings, attached the tranfer papers and pressed each side separately, re-attached the rings, filled the bottles with hand sanitizer, and put the bottles in the holders)
  • Designed the layout, created the cut file, cut the vinyl, and made the vertical banner (I also abandoned, after designing and cutting, some huge vinyl dandelions meant to be vertical banners flanking the blue one in the middle, because we only ended up having space for one vertical sign)
  • Attempted sublimated table cloth (it didn’t work), hemmed off the ruined part, and then made it with vinyl
  • Made four heat vinyl t-shirts with the logo after creating the cut file
  • Put together 200 bags of popcorn (designed, printed, hand cut, Xyron-ed, and attached labels on front and back of every bag [there were two types of bags so two design processes], and filled all the bags)
  • Put together a gift basket, and made, print, and cut 200 entry forms
  • Made up a trivia game for the spin wheel and print and cut color coded cards

It was easily 40+ hours to do all of it. It was fun to see everything come together, though. I love to have a project. :smiley:

Project Photo(s):

prizes rs - Copy

table rs - Copy

shirts rs - Copy

Prompt: Big Time
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Enchanted Forest Tree Art Doll
Project Link: Enchanted Forest Tree Dotee Art Doll
Brief Description: Made for the Dotee Swap. More info and photos in the link.

Project Photo(s):

Prompt: Big Time
Team: Bits and Bobs
Project Name: Space Lantern
Project Link: Space Lantern
Brief Description: Made for the Light It Up Swap. More info and photos in the link.

Project Photo(s):


I always say I’m going to keep up posting appreciative comments, then it’s the end of the month and I’ve done nothing! I need to get better about that.

Love the envelopes! They look amazing!

Haha, those bracelets are fiddly at best, kudos for getting it done with a helper!

Ooooh, I love your journal pages! So fun and creative. And that cheese dip looks amazing. Now I need to have an arty crafty chips and dip party! :smiley:

Groan… that’s what you get for your project… but how perfect for the prompt!

I need to stop looking at this before lunch! All that looks amazing and now I’m hungry.
That conference setup and design looks like it was a TON of work, and I love the dandelion mugs!
Ooooh, the dotee is so cute! I miss doing a lot of the swaps I used to, but I don’t know if I’m responsible enough to do them right now…
I think we’re all hardest on ourselves, I think your original attempt for the swap was great, but then again, so was what you made second!