One Tiny Thing Spring 2020 Gallery

Your little hoop is precious beyond!!


The miniature HP Books are wonderful!!! Oh how cute to have them in the Amazon box…signs of the time to get everything shipped…love how you showed them off with your girls…adorable outfits, too!


Yay! I’m so glad you like it! I like the pictures you took, they definitely liven up the whole package!


Okay, the Amazon package and tiny little books are adorable!



I received from @artsycandice and OH. MY. STARS. It is GLORIOUS. So tiny but also so packed full of stuff!

Look at this lovely sewing kit!

I love this fabric, it reminds me of a piece I saved from my childhood, I’ll see if I can find it to compare!

First page is GRL PWR and lots of fun pins, and buttons, and a nametag to show when & where I got it!

Next page is needles & safety pins

Next pages have a pocket for scraps of fabric, and then a pocket for scissors & thread, and a measuring tape! Love the little fussy cut bit on the tape pocket.

But what’s that in the pocket with the fabric? Why, it’s TOTORO!!!

On the back of the kit is a pocket, and in the pocket is a tiny Altoid tin, full of sewing notions and more tiny fussy cut pieces!


And she tucked in a leaf necklace, and a Lettuce Craft tag!!! I LOVE THEM.

@artsycandice this is INCREDIBLE and I love it. I am floored! I feel SO LUCKY. It’s so fantastic! Thank you so so so so much!!!


Wow! What an amazing little sewing kit! @artsycandice I can’t believe how much you managed to pack into such a tiny amount of space :star_struck:


A Swiss Army knife for sewists!!! It is so functional and fun…love all the tiny house scattered about…

The little Totoro to keep you company…just perfect…

The mix of patterns is so fun as well…


Oh, the little delights! I want them all. The pretty box, the tiny books (and the tiny amazon box), the sewing kit and all the rest.

I’d name every one of you, but I’m spending my time admiring the pictures of tiny goodies.


@artsycandice - that book is so fun! I love all the little embellishments throughout!


My tiny thing from @Camelama arrived. Yay! It is so cute! I love the barn owl detail, barn owls are always a win in my book. lol
I will likely use this often as I don’t have a regular coin pouch. Her instincts were on point as I have needed something to tuck small items into in my purse. Thank you so much. I love it!


oh how cute…love the way the eyes are done with beads…gives the owl a curious expression…very well done.

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What an adorable little barn owl! And I love the surprise pop of color inside the pouch too!


What a nice little pouch! I like the added embellishments of the beads on the barn owl.

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I got a note in the mailbox that I had a package to retrieve. Easier said than done right now, but after a couple days we managed a quick trip while already out fetching takeaway food for dinner.

As I had suspected it was the package from @imera but I did not expect what was inside. I might have made high pitched noises…

Look at this precious fairy garden.

Look at all the mushrooms!

Close up of the chairs and table. (And cute little shrooms)

Side view just to show the finishing.

I took the pictures in the back of my garden for some natural light and nice background, but it will live indoors. My husband sounded worried when I said I’d take it out in the garden :laughing:


That old fashioned looking owl purse is so sweet, my grandma had one similar.

And that little cozy woodland scene is amazing… need that shrinking machine so we can fit in and have tea.


The tiny garden is magical! Love all the flowers inside…and the jute covering on the outside…


Oh my stars, that is an adorable tiny garden!!

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@imera, your fairy garden is so whimsical and fun! I love that you added so many tiny details!

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I really am loving those chairs. And table.

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I received my OTT from @Annchen, it was a slightly thicker envelope, a normal sized envelope, so I had no idea what it could be!

Apparently she wanted to make me a Wesley sweater, but it ran away from her, thats what you get when you want to play with magic… XD

Anyway, the sweater is so soft, the model loved the feeling of it against his skin :stuck_out_tongue: it’s some fancy hand dyed alpaca fashion industry yarn, pretty sure fairies must have been a part of it because it’s so soft!

Her husband also made the tiny hanger, which is so cute, and then she also added the stable card that is almost too pretty to cut, but I’m most likely going to do it in the end, I love papercrafts.

Edit to add: she made it for my Christmas tree, but I fear its too tiny for it, however, she also made it a perfect dollhouse size, so now I’m thinking I should finish building the dollhouse soonish :stuck_out_tongue: