One Zero - 10th Birthday Decoration

Our little Delia is turning 10 next month! This is the 5th milestone birthday in our family this year. WOO!

Chasing ball is about her favorite thing that doesn’t involve hassling rodents outside so I dug up a svg file for a tennis ball and made it in Chuck-it colors and used the back of the swiss dot orange paper for texture.


I used my Sizzix Big Shot to cut her name and an exclamation point out of the same blue paper as the base of the Chuck-it ball, then added little rhinestones for a little sparkle.

The outside sides are decorated with stickers from the paper pack that the front panels are cut from.

I used my Cricut Explore and files from for the numbers. The numbers are weighted with plastic pellets I received from @Smmarrt which worked really nicely!


She must be such a good girl, to be spoiled like this!


THE BESTEST GIRL! Here is her adoption photo!



Oh my goodness! This is the best. So adorable. What a great 10th birthday decoration.

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Deeeeeeelia! 10?!? Wow, time has flown! Love the frito feet sticker. Lol

I love her fancy name!

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So cute!!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Happy 10th birthday sweet girl Delia! :birthday:

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Thanks so much, Friends!

Happy 10th birthday, Delia!

Your tribute is adorable!

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Your pup is so cute! Congrats on her milestone. The numbers are great and weighing them down is genius.

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Thanks, pals!

I cannot take credit for the idea, it’s part of the assembly instructions to weigh them down, but they use… flax seeds, I think. I want to avoid attracting any kind of critter so had been using steel shot. When I had the chance to receive some plastic pellets in the Use It or Lose It Share-along I jumped at it just for this purpose!

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Aww, adorable! & also clever, double plus bonus good times!

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:tada: Congrats! This crafty goodness is one of this week’s featured projects! :tada:

WHAT!? Wow! Thank you!

SO sweet!!

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Happy birthday to the cutest pupper!

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Thanks, pals!

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